Notes for the week!

Hello! Here are the notes for the week! 

1. A permission slip was sent home with each student today for our first field trip of the year! We will be visiting This is the Place State Park on Thursday, October 2nd. Busses will be leaving at 8:30 SHARP! So make sure your student is here and ready to go by 8:20! Permission slips need to be returned by September 16th. If you would like to be a chaperone for the field trip please indicate so on the form. We are able to take two adults on the bus. I will let the first two parents who return their permission slips ride the bus. Again, anyone can go, but only two people can ride the bus. 

2. Spelling Groups start this week! Groups are listed below in a totally random order! The word sort assignments for the week are listed on the homework tab under the Words Their Way tab. 
Orange Group:         Blue Group:      Green Group:     Purple Group:      Red Group: 
1. Alivia                      1. PJ                    1. Marlee             1. Trista                  1. Chase
2. Jaime                    2. Ashton            2. Taylor             2.  Joseph               2. Timothy
3. Rylei                      3. Matthew        3. Brianna           3. Cyris                  3. Shelby 
4. Tyler                     4. Phillip             4. Brandon          4.  Kianna             4. Aidan
5. Amyrlin                5. Kaily                5. Jacoby             5. Cameron
6. Adam                                                 6. Jack

3. Homework for the week is normal. Students need to complete a word sort each night, math fluency twice per week, and read 20 minutes each night! This week students should also be working on the monthly project. New this week, students should read and respond to the following article.They can respond via email, a written response, or submitted through thin client into their folder on the server. They were taught how to do this today in class! Thin Client is the preferred method of submission, but I will not be picky this time! The response should be at least three paragraphs and give a specific opinion on the topic using reasons and examples from the text! Again, we practiced this in class today so they should be prepared to complete this independently! 

4. Help Wanted: Your kids are TOO SMART , and I need to give them the fifth and sixth grade high frequency words. If you have time this week I would love to have help giving and scoring these tests. You can show up whenever you would like to and stay as long as you can…….any help would be appreciated! The lists are each 200 words long and it can take 15-20 minutes to give and grade each test (that’s why I need help)! 

That’s it! Thanks for all you do! I am amazed daily by your students. They are incredibly intelligent, as well as funny and kind! I absolutely LOVE coming to work each day with this amazing group of kids!!! 

As always, let me know if you have comments, concerns, questions, complaints, or criticisms. 
Thanks, ♥ Mrs. Chidester
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2 Responses to Notes for the week!

  1. Aidan phillips says:

    I never got a permission slip for the field trip

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