This Week’s Notes

Just a few notes for this week! 

1. We are hard at work on our Native American PowerPoints! We have time scheduled in the Thin Client lab most of this week. Ask your student about all the PowerPoint tricks they have been learning. By the end of this week they will be masters of PowerPoints, and masters of saving to the server! 

2. Homework is slightly different this week! Feel free to just do your spelling sorts each night, read 20 minutes each night, and complete the assignment on before Friday morning. It is only 10 questions and will take the place of math fluency for the week. You can still do math fluency, but it won’t be required! Make sure you score ABOVE 80% on the assignment! I know we did this in class, but the scores were very poor, so after our lesson on division key words in story problems I would like to see those scores improve! 

3. We are moving into multiplying two and three digit numbers in math. We will be spending A LOT more time on this chapter in order to learn 4 different ways to multiply multi-digit numbers! Look for videos posted to the blog if you need help remembering the steps! 

That’s it so far! Enjoy your week, and please let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or COMPLAINTS! I sure LOVE this group of kids and enjoy spending my days with them! 

♥Mrs. Chidester
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