Holy CoW-it’s the end of the month and I missed it!

That means this FRIDAY is SHORT DAY!! School will be dismissed at 1:00.

This also means that class store will be held this FRIDAY at 11:15. If you are not busy and would love to come help kids spend money feel free to come in and help! I would love to have 3 parents run the store!

Short day also means that it is dress down day! You need to pay a dollar in order to dress down! They are doing the $10.00 buy out if you want to pay for ALL the dress down days for the entire year! Whatever works for you!

I filled my schedule for this month’s SEP conferences (replacing parent teacher conferences). If you would like to meet with me next month let me know. I will make appointments with EVERYONE throughout the year based on your child’s progress, specific problems we need to discuss, or just the fact that I LOVE your kid and want to BRAG FOR A MINUTE!! If you are totally confused refer to the email sent by the administration last week detailing the purpose of SEP conferences!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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