Field Trip Schedule!

Here is the PLAN for Thursday! Remember to bring a JACKET, A WATER BOTTLE, and a COLD LUNCH in your backpack! You should not have anything else in your backpack! 

8:20 Meet in Mrs. Chidester’s classroom for roll call and to get a name tag. *Chaperones can meet as well to get name tags and group assignments, or just meet us at the park, which ever is easier for you! 
8:30 Move to assigned classes to board the bus 
9:45 Arrive at “This is the Place” State Park **Parents attending need to bring $2.00 in cash to pay for their admission into the park! 
10:00-12:00 tour the park according to the assigned rotation schedule. Students need to STAY WITH THIER ASSIGNED TEACHER THE ENTIRE TIME! 
12:00-12:45 Ride the train around the park and lunch! 
 12:45-1:00 Board the busses with your assigned teacher! **If your parents CHOSE to check you out, they must do so with the teacher you have been assigned to! 
2:20 Arrive at Quest 
** We will be having recess and completing a small art project until school is dismissed at 3. 

If you have QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, or COMPLAINTS, let me know! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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