This WEEK!

Hope you all had a FABULOUS weekend! Here are the notes for the week! Enjoy!!!

1.  Homework: Same as last week! Spelling each night, math fluency at least twice a week, and read 20 minutes each night! Remember, you are trying to get 460 (20 minutes each night Monday-Friday) minutes by the end of the month to earn your PIZZA HUT FREE PIZZA! If you get 620 minutes (20 minutes each night including weekends)….you get a special SECRET prize as well! 

2.  Watch for our Native American PowerPoints on the Student’s Corner page posted this week! We are ALMOST finished and I will post them as soon as they are completed! We will begin working on our FALL BREAK FUN project this week in class! They will be posted to out bulletin board in front of the classroom as well as the blog as they are completed! 

3. We will be finishing up double digit multiplication this week as well! Plan on the test being given on Friday! 

4. Next week is FALL BREAK! Monday is normal, Tuesday is a short day, and NO SCHOOL Wednesday-Friday! I hope you enjoy this TIME OFF with your kids and remember to bring pictures of all the FUN STUFF you do! There will be NO HOMEWORK that week! YAY!!!!

5. If you would like to meet with me for October’s SEP conferences, let me know. I have 5 appointments available at the following times: 
and 4:50

Let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or complaints! 
♥Mrs. Chidester
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6 Responses to This WEEK!

  1. Marlee Dall says:

    Leaning Tower of Pizza

  2. Michele Ware says:

    Can I get a time for Tyler? maybe 3:30. Thanks

  3. Michele Ware says:

    I cant figure out what day are the SEP? Thanks!

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