Notes for this week!

We are finally back to normal this week!! Thanks to all those who planned and helped with the Halloween party! I think the kids had a great time and we were eventually able to get all the candy corn out of the carpet! 😉 

1. Homework for this week is as follows: 
Monday: Spelling sort and write 
                 Read 20 minutes (at least)! 
                 Math fluency on Xtra Math

Tuesday: Free choice spelling 
                 Read 20 minutes 
                 Division practice assignment on

Wednesday: Word Find for spelling 
                        Read 20 minutes 
                        Xtra Math 

Thursday: Practice Spelling test 
                   Read 20 minutes 
Friday: Read 20 minutes 

2. November Project!!! Details on are the monthly project page and the rubric for grading was sent home with the kiddos today! They are creating a book about animal adaptations. The book should be TYPED, but if that is not an option, feel free to handwrite them in YOUR NICEST handwriting. 

3. Library is back to normal as well this week. So, plan on having your books turned in on Thursday! This would be a great time to check out a book on animal adaptations as well! 

4. We are looking for anyone who has connections to a Veteran’s home in the area! I would like for the kids to do a special writing project in conjunction with Veteran’s Day next week and need a place for them to send their writing projects once they are completed. If you know of a place, let me know! 

Let me know if you have concerns, complaints, criticisms, or questions!!!! Thanks for all you do for me and for your kids!!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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2 Responses to Notes for this week!

  1. Marlee Dall says:

    There is a veterans home over the old Wahlquist Junior High
    I think it might be near Farr West contact my mom if you want to know where it is

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