Field Trip!

I am so EXCITED!!! After much pleading and begging on my part KSL Studios has agreed to give my class a special tour of their facilities! We will be traveling to Salt Lake City on December 2 (dress warm) via the Frontrunner and Trax to tour the studio. The plan is for the kiddos to see the work involved in producing a news cast. They will also be talking about the different jobs involved in producing the news each day. We will also be touring the Salt Lake City Public Library to see the different architectural features of the building. 

We will need to collect a $5.00 donation per child to pay for the FrontRunner Tickets. Please give the office your money as soon as possible! 

All the forms were sent home with the students today, but in case they didn’t make it, here they are again! 

KSL Studio Field Trip Form

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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