Notes for the Week!

Here we go one more week until you can all enjoy a FULL WEEK OFF with your family! We will be having spelling this week so homework is normal! Here is the schedule!

Monday: Spelling sort and write
Read 20 minutes (at least)!

Tuesday: Free choice spelling
Read 20 minutes
Math fluency on Xtra Math

Wednesday: Word Find for spelling (8-10 words)
Read 20 minutes
Xtra Math

Thursday: Practice Spelling test
Read 20 minutes

Friday: Read 20 minutes

* Our baskets are BEAUTIFUL!!!  Thanks to all those who donated! We were able to create 5 full baskets with the materials donated! They will be on display in the lobby this week during the book fair! Come by and see how wonderful they are! While at the school, don’t forget to stop at the book fair and pick up some Christmas Presents!!! Nothing says MERRY CHRISTMAS like a pile of brand new books under the Christmas Tree! 🙂

* Friday is short day, so school will be dismissed at 1:00. Friday will also be class store! If you are not busy at 11:15 feel free to come by and help manage the chaos! 

*Don’t forget that your November project (the Animal Adaptation Book) is due on December 4th. Please do not put it off until the last minute. It will take more time than you think! 

*We will be taking a math test on Chapter 7 on Friday. Students scored 70% on the pretest are quickly mastering patterns, input/output tables, and simple equations. We will be working this week on multi-step algebraic equations and solving equations using order of operations! Pretty exciting!!! 

*We will also be taking our Words Their Way benchmark test. The students have made tremendous progress in spelling this year and I want to make sure they are leveled correctly! We will be taking the test on Wednesday, so look for new spelling groups when we come back from Thanksgiving break! 

* We continue with our Sage Interim Testing this week. We will be testing on Science on Monday morning and Wednesday morning. The kids are doing a fabulous job at taking their time and working hard for the entire testing session. 

I think that’s it! Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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2 Responses to Notes for the Week!

  1. becki says:

    Chase can not remember his extra math password

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