Welcome BACK!!! !

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and enjoyed the time with your families! I know I loved hanging out with mine! Here are the notes for the week, the January Project Assignment details. and a field trip permission slip! PHEW….nothing like starting off with a BANG! 

1. We will be attending a dance production arranged by the Utah Department of Education and the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company at the Capital Theater! This is a special opportunity for the fourth grade students to see a professional theater style production in the historic Capital Theater! The field trip will be held on January 30th. Busses will need to leave promptly at 8:30 in the morning and we will return to the school at 12:00. We are asking that all students come in their BEST DRESS for this field trip. This means a nice SHIRT and TIE for the gentlemen and a DRESS for the ladies. If your student is not able to wear their best dress, they may wear a white uniform shirt and blue dress pants instead. Here is the permission slip with more details (just in case it didn’t make it home on Monday)! I will chose the 4 parent chaperones from a hat on the 16th. In order to make it as fair as possible, if you attended the KSL field trip in December, you will not be chosen for this one. I would like to make sure everyone had the opportunity to attend a field trip this year! 

2. The January project is a special one that goes along with our Social Studies curriculum! This is a chance for students to make some connections with their own pioneer history while learning about the settlement and founding of Utah. Here are all the details (again, in case they don’t make it home on Monday). The assignment has TWO due dates! Please pay attention because this project will take longer than you think! Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest Assignment 2015

. Homework for this week is back to normal! Please complete a spelling sort each night, math fluency at least 3 times this week, and read 20 minutes each night! Spelling words are posted and ready! Don’t forget to submit your HOMEWORK form on THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!   

I think that is everything for now!!! Thanks, and SEE you MONDAY!! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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