Permission for TWO food activities!

Hey there, 

I would like to give the kiddos the opportunity to participate in two different food activities in class. According to the school policies we need permission from each parent in order for their child to consume food while in class. 

The first activity will be on Thursday, January 15th. Students will use SKITTLES to investigate fraction concepts learned in class in further detail. Each students will receive their own individual small bag of SKITTLEs to use during this lesson. 

The second activity is a special presentation put on by STAKER-PARSONS company that teaches more about mining, rocks formation, and basic Earth science. This presentation is part of our social studies and science curriculum. During the presentation students will have to “mine” chocolate chips from a cookie. The presentation will be held on January 21st! 

If you would like for your child to be able to participate in these activities please fill out the following Google Form as soon as possible. Students without permission will be given an alternate activity! 

Thanks, and let me know if you have questions or concerns! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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2 Responses to Permission for TWO food activities!

  1. phillip says:

    I filled out the form for Phillip, but didn’t see anywhere to put a name. Mandie

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