This week’s happenings!

Here we go, our last week before our SAGE writing end of level test! WE have lots to review this week to be ready for the test next week! Here is everything you need to know to make it through this week! REMEMBER, if you have not done so, please PAY FOR THE FIELD TRIP as soon as possible! We are a little short and we don’t want to have to cancel! Kids have been asked to do some extra chores to help earn the money so PUT THEM TO WORK! 

1. Homework this week: 
             Monday: Spelling sort and write
                             Math Worksheet (given out in class, but can also be printed here Adding and Subtracting Fractions Homework -only print page 1) 
                             Read 20 minutes 

            Tuesday: Spelling free choice 
                             Read 20 minutes   
                             math fluency 

            Wednesday: Spelling PRACTICE TEST 
                              Read 20 minutes 
                              Ancestor Essay 

            Thursday: Read 20 minutes 
                              Ancestor Essay!!! It’s DUE TOMORROW!!!!!!!

            Friday: Read 20 minutes 

2. Ancestor Essay is due on FRIDAY!! Make sure it is at least one full page, grammar and spell checked, and printed or emailed to me by FRIDAY! 

3. Spelling Tests will be on THURSDAY this week! Make sure you are ready! PRACTICE those high frequency words!! Class store will also be on Thursday at 1:00. If you are available, I would love some extra help! 

4. Our FIELD TRIP is on FRIDAY! Make sure you are in the classroom, ready to go by 8:20!!! We will be boarding the busses right at 8:30 and you don’t want to miss out! Remember to come in BEST DRESS (or a white uniform shirt and blue pants)!!!!! We will be back about 12:15 so lunch will be class and then students will be dismissed at 1:00 for short day! 

5. We will be taking our end of year Sage Writing tests next week on Wednesday and Friday in conjunction with the NAEP testing. Please encourage your students to do their best on this test. I know it is early in the year, but the state will hand score the tests and the results will be ready for parents when students complete the rest of the ELA test in May. I feel like students have improved tremendously this year in writing and I am excited for them to SHOW what they can DO! If you have questions or concerns on the testing let me know! 

-Have a FABULOUS week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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2 Responses to This week’s happenings!

  1. Marlee Dall says:

    What about three?
    (you didn’t hand these out in class)

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