Field Trip Information!

Here we go again! I am so excited for this field trip! Here are all the important details so you know what the plan is! 

STUDENTS MUST COME IN BEST DRESS! Gentlemen should wear a dress shirt and tie! No JEANS!!! Ladies should be in a dress or skirt! If you do not have best dress, feel free to wear a white uniform shirt and blue uniform pants! 

8:30 Board the busses in front of the school. Kids are welcome to come straight to class in the morning rather than going outside or to the gym. I will take attendance and we will leave. They do not need to take anything, other than a coat, with them on the bus. 

9:40: Arrive at the Capital Theater. The busses will drop us off right in front of the theater. 

10:00 The performance begins. 

11:15 Board busses in front of the theater for the trip back to school. 

12:15ish: Arrive at the school. Students will not have recess or PE, instead we will be having lunch and a short video in class. 

1:00 School dismissed! 

-That’s it! Easy Peasy! Thanks for supporting us as we go on yet another field trip! I am excited to see all my favorite kiddos dressed up and fancy for the field trip! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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