Valentine’s Party that isn’t a party!

We did not have enough parents volunteer to plan the Valentine’s party, so instead we will be doing a super fun educational Valentine’s activity in class and saving the party for the end of the year! 

We will still be exchanging valentines that afternoon. It is NOT required, but if you ARE bringing valentines to exchange, you need to have one for everyone in the class. We have 26 kids in class. Please remember that according to the school’s policy we cannot have treats attached to the valentines.  I sent home a class today so that students can address their valentines if they chose to! 

We will be having a food activity on that day related to our science unit on rocks. Students will be making a SOIL PROFILE using edible dirt. Attached is a food in class permission slip along with a donation list. If you are able to donate materials, thanks! I know I have asked a lot the past few weeks, but I sincerely appreciate your continued help! 

Please let me know if you have questions, concerns, or complaints! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

Valentine’s List

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