This week!

Welcome to another crazy week! We will be finishing up our unit on measurement and data and moving onto measurement and data using the metric system! As part of our data unit we will be collecting data to decide the VERY BEST BOOK AT QUEST ACADEMY!!!! Students worked in pairs on Friday to create google forms to use for the vote! ANYONE who has read the book can vote! So parents, get reading and get voting! The Google forms, graphs, and more information can be found right here on our blog under the “TOURNAMENT OF BOOKS” page! So vote often so we have some data to create graphs from! 

Other stuff going on this week: 

1. Homework is NORMAL: Spelling every night, math fluency at least twice, and a special math assignment on TENMARKS. (the kiddos asked for 3 assignments this week so that they can unlock some new math games) Their wish is my command,but just because it involves them practicing math! 🙂 

2. The SeUsSiCaL the MuSiCaL school assembly will be held on Thursday afternoon from 2-3. Look for us at the JR HIGH if you pick up your kiddo early! Tickets for the actual play are on sale through the school website, or in the lobby beginning Friday! I snuck into the dress rehearsal on Saturday, and it is amazing (Especially the Cat in the Hat and Vlad Vladakoff) 😉

3. Biography Wax Museum is approaching quickly! Make sure you are working on your Tri-Fold! IT is due on FRIDAY! Also, if your speeches are written we will have time during centers for you to practice them! Bring a copy with you and I will make sure you have some time in class to work on them! Please do not spend a lot on costumes! This is not meant to be an expensive project for parents. Look through closets, ask grandmas, and be creative! 

4. Friday is an EARLY OUT day! School will be dismissed at 1:00! I am assuming it is also a dollar dress down, but you may want to wait for final confirmation on that from the administration! We will also have class store at 11:00 that day. If you want to come and help, please come around 11! 

That’s it! One more week and we will be having our wax museum!  I am SOOOOOO excited to see all the hard work pay off! Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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