This Week’s NOTES……..

PHEW……this week should be back to normal! I had so much fun visiting with all of you and watching your kids at the Wax Museum! I am so PROUD and IMPRESSED with your kiddos! Thank you for all your hard work! So here we go, onto another FABULOUS week of LEARNING!!!

1. Homework is back to normal! Spelling each night Monday-Thursday! Instead of math fluency, we will be working on TenMarks! I have added some new assignments to help you compete in the contest this week! You DO NOT need to complete all the assignments, but you do need to complete at least 2 of them! They are ONLY 10 questions each……you can do it! Remember to read 20 minutes each night as well!

2. Remember, there is not a monthly project this month! Instead we will continue to work on our Tournament of Books! Keep voting and try to get others to vote as well! We had about 800 votes last time! I would love to see 1,000 this time! I can’t wait to see what book wins!

3. Because of Spring Break this month is kind of short! So, I am scheduling SEP conferences now! If you are interested in meeting with me to discuss your child’s progress, email me and let’s set up a time! I have meeting scheduled every 15 minutes from 3:45-5:15. Conferences will be held on March 26th.

4. The end of the term is quickly approaching. All missing work is due by FRIDAY!

Enjoy your week! -Mrs. Chidester
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