Notes for this week!

     Welcome to another wonderful weekend in fourth grade! This is a short week because of the END OF THE TERM! You lucky students will not have school on Friday! Think of me sitting at the school, working hard, while you are off playing! 🙂

      Also, Tuesday will be a planned evacuation drill. The school will be working in conjunction with several police and sherif departments to hold this drill. The drill is planned to start around 9:00 in the morning and and may last for an hour or more. The drill will start with a lockdown, and then students will evacuate the building to the church down the street. PLEASE talk to your student about the drill and what will happen during the drill. Remind them that it is just a practice! I will have my cell phone with me during the drill, and a list of parent’s phone numbers.  If we have problems, or concerns during the drill, I may have your student contact you for reassurance. Remind them the importance of following directions, staying with the class, and as AWFUL as it is, holding hands with the person in front of and behind them. I like that the school is working with local law enforcement to have this drill so that some of the concerns are addressed and a concrete plan is in place for our school!

     Homework this week is a little different. Homework forms should still be submitted by Friday and will count on NEXT terms grade. Homework is: Spelling Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Test on Thursday. Math: two assignments on TENMARKS! ONE MUST BE ON:   Converting Intervals of Time,  Distance, Masses and Liquid Volumes or Money.

     Remember library on THURSDAY!

     We are ROCKING The TENMARKS contest! Congrats to the class for solving 7,584 problems correctly last week! You GUYS ROCK!!!!! I have set up several new assignments for this week so we can keep up the momentum! This week’s goal is for each student to solve over 100 questions correctly in the jam sessions!! So, GO, AMAZE ME!!!

Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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