Notes for the Week!

Hi, I can’t believe that we are down to the last term! This year is flying by!

Here are a few short notes for the week!

-Keep up the amazing work on TENMARKS! You guys solved over 7,000 math problems correctly last week! The goal this week is to get more that 45 minutes working on assignments during the week! Only time spent on assignments will count towards the goal. Sorry, games and jam sessions don’t count! 

-Homework this week is normal. We will be having spelling this week, so study hard! Math homework is working on TenMarks. Please complete at least two assignments during the week.

-Remember Friday is short day and dollar dress down. School is out at 1:00, and then we are off for an ENTIRE WEEK! Enjoy the time with your family!

-Enjoy your week!
♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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