I am SO excited! Here are all the details so you know what is going on tomorrow with the special assembly with Brandon Mull! The assembly will start at 1:30 in the Q.2 gym. Mr. Mull will talk to everyone for about half an hour, there will be a short Q & A segment, and then students will be able to purchase books and/or have him sign their books. We will also announce the winners of the “Candy Wars” competition at the assembly. Hastings will be here selling the three books in the Five Kingdoms series.  Students can bring money with them if they plan on purchasing any books. Hastings will accept cash, check, or credit card. The prices for the books they’ll have here are as follows:
Five Kingdoms: Sky Raiders = $7.99 (paperback)
Five Kingdoms: Rogue Knight = $17.99 (hardcover)
Five Kingdoms: Crystal Keepers = $17.99 (hardcover)
Students may also bring copies of his books from home to have him sign; however, in order to keep the line moving, each student may only have one book for him to sign. If there are any students who would like him to sign more books, let them know that he will also be signing books at the Hastings in Harrisville tomorrow night at 7 PM.

I love listening to this author talk and the excitement he brings to his audience! I am so excited for tomorrow! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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