Yikes….what a SHORT weekend!

Time is flying by! I am sorry that this wasn’t posted earlier, but here you go, notes for this week! 

1. We are doing well on our field trip money! I expect that we will be close to our needed total this week, so watch for a permission slip coming home on Thursday or Friday! If you have not done so, please send your money as soon as possible, or let me know that your child will not be attending! 

2. Homework is normal this week! Please complete a spelling sort each night, read 20 minutes each night, and complete two assignments on TenMarks this week. I have added assignments from every math standard, so practice the ones you are struggling with! Don’t forget to fill out the RENDEZVOUS permission slip as soon as possible! The form is in the last post! 

3. SEPs are Thursday night! I have: 
Cyris’s family at 3:30
Taylor’s Family at 3:45 
4:00 OPEN 
4:15 OPEN 
and Marlee’s family at 4:30! 

If you want to meet with me, let me know! I would LOVE to fill those two open spots! 

4. Friday is early out! School will be dismissed at 1:00! It is also DOLLAR dress down and class store! HAPPY DAY!! 

That’s it for now! Enjoy your week! 
-Mrs. Chidester 

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