Notes for this week!

Only two more of these posts this year…….isn’t that SAD! Or happy depending on which side of the keyboard you are on 😉

Here you go, notes for the week!

-Homework: Read 20 minutes each night and complete three math activities! Make sure to submit your homework form by Friday! This will be the last week for homework and also the last week to turn in any missing work! Students were given a missing work report in class this morning so everyone should know what’s missing!

-I need to know as soon as possible who will be attending the field trip with us on May 20th. I want to make sure I get your FrontRunner passes! So far I have Jacoby’s Mom* and Grandma, Ashton’s Dad, Matthew’s Mom, Marlee’s Mom, Taylor’s Mom*, and Tyler’s Mom*. PLEASE let me know SOON! *Free for both the museum and the FrontRunner! Phillip and Kaily, your moms are free if they let me know for sure they are going. If not, I will have to choose another parent as the official chaperone! 

-Testing is finishing up this week! We have SAGE Math on Monday and Wednesday, our last STAR tests on Tuesday, Our last spelling benchmark on Thursday, and I will be completing the Reading leveling in between all that! PHEW……your kiddos are going to sleep WELL by Friday! 

-PLEASE check your house! I am missing several library books from my classroom library! They have my name on the back or inside cover! If you see them, return them as soon as possible! Also, LIBRARY Books are ALL due by Thursday! Don’t make Mrs. Anderson track you down! 

-RENDEZVOUS projects are due on MONDAY! You should have 25 project ready to go! Remember to be creative. We will make the posters, decide pricing, and pick partners in class next week! 

Thank you for all your support this year! I truly love and appreciate everyone in this class! 
Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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