One IMPORTANT Note about the FIELD TRIP!!!

Slight change in plans! If you are one of the parents who needs to pay for their own admission into the museum, please pay the $7.50 to the front office instead of bringing it to the museum! We need to make sure money is given to the office,  not a teacher!!! You DO NOT need to do it before the field trip, just make sure it is turned in this week! SORRY for the short notice! 


BrInG a JACKET….it looks like it is not supposed to rain, but it isn’t going to be super warm either! 

bRiNg a COLD LUNCH…..I don’t want you to STARVE! 

Be at the ROY station (on 4000 S) at 8:20!!! I will be at the NORTH end by the stairs! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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