Last Post from ME!

Hey this is it, the last week of school. I first want to thank each and every student and family for an incredible year! I have grown to adore every one of these students and am honored to have been a small part of their education. I am so excited by their progress this year and cannot wait to see the amazing things they will achieve in the future. Please keep in touch with me to let me know how you are doing! My personal email is, feel free to use it often!

To the parents: thank you for having such amazing students, and for sharing them with me! I am so very touched by the support I have received this year, and truly appreciate everything you have done for me! Thanks you from the bottom of my heart!

As you can probably tell, I am quite emotional today. My Mom passed away unexpectedly on Sunday. In order to help with the funeral arrangements, Tuesday will be the only day I am at the school next week. I know this is a horrible time to miss, but my Dad,  the rest of my family, and especially me, need the support right now. I am going to try to stop by on Thursday sometime during field day depending on what arrangements are decided on. I truly apologize for this, but hope you can understand and forgive me. 

Here is the schedule for the week: 

Tuesday: Clean desks and classroom, finish portfolios, Ninja Warrior Assembly 9:00, finish iMovie projects. Lunch in class to spend pelts earned at the Rendezvous. School dismissed at 1:00!!!!

Wednesday: Math games, Talent Show 8:45-9:30. Yearbook will be distributed and students will have time to get signatures. Special T-Shirt Activity for field day! School dismissed at 1:00!!!! 

Thursday: 8:30-9:00 Students are excused to go meet their teacher for next year. Students not returning to Quest will be supervised out back with the 5th graders. Field Day for the rest of the day! Students should wear their special t-shirt made on Wednesday! School Dismissed at 1:00!!!

Thank you for an incredible year!
Please, keep in touch with me! I know this group of students is going to do AMAZING things in this world and I would love to hear of their successes!!!! 

With all my heart! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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