This week!

Hi….hope you all enjoyed the fabulous LONG weekend! Here are the notes for the week!

1. Math test on Thursday! We will be taking the chapter 2 math test on Thursday so be prepared! The test covers adding and subtracting, more rounding, story problems, subtraction rules, and the addition properties. 

2. Homework this week: Regular homework schedule! This means spelling! We are doing a whole group spelling sort this week as a review of a concept most students are missing in their writing (adding -s to words that end in y), as well as a practice for homework expectations and in class spelling expectations. Here is the sort…….. green sort 9. You can also find in on the “homework” tab under “words their way homework”! Next week we will begin differentiated spelling groups. NO math homework this week other than fluency, and being prepared for the test! 

3. Monthly Project: It is time for our September project. The details and due dates are listed on the “homework” tab under “monthly projects.” Students will be researching a Native American tribe with ties to Utah. Students will select one of the 7 tribes to study and  create a PowerPoint presentation on. The research side will be done at home, however, we will be making the final powerpoint project here in class. This will allow me to teach technology skills at the same time. All research needs to be completed by September 17! Students may use the research tabs on the blog, books from the library, or other materials as deemed safe by their parents! Please be aware that random internet searches can have negative results (especially google images), so be careful and responsible while researching. 

4. Use of  Thin Client at home. Did you know that students can log into the schools server from home? This is the coolest thing ever! This means that students can search safely using the schools filters, save to the class folder, access documents started at school, and use programs installed on the school’s server!  I will even be teaching your students how to access all this wonderful technology so you don’t have to! All you have to do is follow the instructions listed on the quest homepage to install the Thin Client software. Students login and passwords are the same ones they use to login to the computers at school! Check this out, because we WILL BE using it in class and it would be very beneficial for you to have it at home as well! 

Sorry for the SUPER LONG email, but thanks for reading! If you have questions, concerns, comments, or complaints, LET ME KNOW!!  Enjoy your week! 

♥Mrs. Chidester 
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3 Responses to This week!

  1. phillip says:

    Am I in the Fremont Indians group?

  2. Taylor Larsen says:

    Could you please tell me where on the blog the opinion essay is?

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