This week’s happenings!

Here you go! 

1. Remember to turn in all box tops, coke rewards, and Tyson Chicken labels by September 19th in order for them to count toward this term’s collection contest. If you have more than one child a Quest, just put all your kids grades on the bag so it counts for everyone.

2. Make sure you are checking grades and missing work on SIS  (also called aspire). Grades are updated weekly, usually over the weekend. Students are given a missing work letter each Monday. All missing work is due by Friday. Let me know if you have questions! 

3. Monday will be the last day to order books through scholastic book club. I will finalize the order Monday evening. You can order online using the code DVFLD, or give your order directly to me. Book orders will be available every two months. 

4. Make sure you are practicing those high frequency words each week. The words are assigned specifically for each student each Monday. I write them on the spelling cheat sheet completed in class during centers. Students will be tested on their words each Friday during their regular spelling test. 

5. Homework this week:  read 20 minutes each night, spelling each night, and math fluency practice at least twice. No extra homework this week because the research papers are due on Wednesday. Make sure as you are filling those out, you are writing complete paragraphs as needed. Paragraphs in fourth grade are at least 5 complete sentences. Bullets should also be complete sentences, with proper grammar and punctuation! 

That’s it! Enjoy your week!!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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4 Responses to This week’s happenings!

  1. Aidan phillips says:

    I can not find contributions for my tribe
    nor how big it is

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