This week!

I am so excited to get back to work after that glorious week off! I loved the weather and time with my family, but I missed your cute KIDDOS!!!!! 

Here are the notes for the week! 

1. No spelling this week! We don’t have school on Friday for a teacher work day, so enjoy the extra day off and think of me slaving away while you play! Because there is no school on Friday, we won’t be having a spelling test this week. And with the parties, Trick or Reading Project open house, and general SUGAR highness going on we won’t be having spelling next week either! I promise we will back to our normal schedule in November! I PROMISE they will be working on other things and I don’t count this as wasted time! 

2. Instead of spelling, complete the following math worksheet. It is due by Thursday! You can use any method of multiplying to solve. Bonus points if you use at least three of the four learned in class.  multiplication homework

. Remember that your Trick or Reading Project poster is due on Monday, October 27! The pumpkins do not need to be brought in until the day of the open house (the 30th)! 

That’s it…….Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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2 Responses to This week!

  1. Marlee Dall says:

    Do we still have to do the math fluency on xtra math or Moby Max?

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