Book Fair Information!

Book Fair Hours
Monday 11/17-Thursday 11/20

Mon-Wed 8 am – 330 pm
Thurs 8 am – 630 pm (SEP night)

Shop online Nov 12 – Dec 2 at our online fair! Orders ship free directly to the school.
Elementary online fair
Jr. high online fair

**Grand Lunch**
Our Grand Lunch allows students to have lunch with a grand adult in their lives.
During the students’ regular lunch time they will sit at a separate table with their adult to eat lunch.
Remind students the deadline to sign up is TOMORROW Friday 11/7.
Monday 11/17 last name A-M
Tuesday 11/18 last name N-Z

**We will not have an book order in class this month. If you wish to purchase books and have them kept a secret, let me know! I am GREAT at hiding things until Christmas……….unless it is from my own kids 😉 
Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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