December Project details

Ok, so I wasn’t going to send this hime until FRIDAY, but your kids BEGGED and PLEADED to get the information today! Sorry for the confusion! 

This is BY FAR my favorite project of the year! The boxes always make me cry as I am grading them because I am so amazed at how well done everything is! I have students that have come back years later and told me how much they appreciate and still look at their box! So, I hope you guys enjoy this project as well! 

We will read the story “Hattie’s Birthday Surprise” tomorrow in class! After that I will post it on the blog so you can read it as well.

The assignment is partially done at school and partially done at home. So here are the important details! 

At home complete: 
1. Decorate a box to hold all your items. It should be decorated neatly, but still able to open easily. I have to be able to get into you box to grade your project! 
2. Create a letter of encouragement or inspiration for your box buddy. This letter should be typed and include all the information you have learned about why your box buddy so amazing! The letter can be decorated, printed on fancy paper, or anything else you want to do to fancy it up! 
3. Create a handmade illustration for your box buddy. This can be hand drawn, traced, or a color page. It should be neat and tidy! Make sure it is something they would enjoy looking at that matches their likes and personality! A picture of BARBI is probably not appropriate for Tyler! 
4. Create a handmade gift for your box buddy! This is where you get to show off your creativity and craftiness! Please use items found at home to create this gift. Pinterest has a million fun ideas for every interest! If you HAVE to spend money to buy supplies please DO NOT spend more that about $1. Really this shouldn’t cost you anything to make! The idea is to give them something they will be excited to receive, not just run to Walmart and buy something on clearance! 
5. The entire box is DUE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 15!!!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! I need time to grade everything before the big exchange party on the 19th! (more details later) 
At School: 
6. We will create the poem and compliment in class. They will be sent home to be added to the box the second they are done! 

I hope this all makes sense! Here is a copy of the parent letter (just in case it never made it home today). The rubric will be sent home tomorrow so that you know what is expected! Let me know if you have concerns, questions, complaints, or criticisms! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

Boxes Of Hope and Inspiration Project 

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