Notes for the WEEK!

Here is everything you need to know for the week!

1. We are working with a company called Student Treasures Publishing to create a PUBLISHED CLASS BOOK! Each student has been working on a writing project the will be hand written and illustrated to include in the book. Students are able to order their own copy of the book, however that is NOT REQUIRED! We are doing this so that we can have a copy for our classroom library, as well as an extra copy for the school library. I am sending home all the information on MONDAY! In order to earn a free classroom copy I need EVERY STUDENT to return the order form signed by a parent. It doesn’t matter if you are going to order or not you just have to return the form showing that I have given you the opportunity to order. I ned all the forms back by TUESDAY!!! As an extra incentive for students to remember to return the form on Tuesday they will receive a small reward!!! Please let me know if you have questions! 

2. The term ends on Friday. All missing work in due by Wednesday. I will be giving out a missing work form in class on Monday. Make sure your homework form in submitted for last week! This week’s homework will go on next term’s grade.

3. Instead of spelling this week we will be doing all the end of term testing. All test scores will be available on SIS (Aspire) after Friday. Back to regular spelling after next week!

4. No school on FRIDAY for teacher work day……think of me working hard while you are off playing….! Also, no school on MONDAY for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Enjoy the four day weekend! Enjoy your week!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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