Field Trip Chaperones have been CHOSEN!

Sorry it took so long, I was waiting for the last two permission slips! 

The parents chosen to attend this field trip are: 

Kathy DeBartolo
Amanda Phillips
Monika Anderson
Julie Champneys
Andrea Ortgiesen and 
Natalie Adams! 

If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can let an alternate parent know!

Parents attending as chaperones are encouraged to ride the bus with our group, and come in best dress! 

Thanks for all you support! I am truly sorry I can’t have all 13 parents who wanted to go come with us! If you have questions or concerns, please let me know! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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2 Responses to Field Trip Chaperones have been CHOSEN!

  1. Marlee dall says:

    My mom’s name isn’t Amanda it is Andrea

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