This Week…….

Here are the notes for the week! 

1. Tuesday is the NAEP testing for fourth and eighth grade. Testing should begin about 9:00. Testing should take about 90 minutes. Students may be moved to one of the other fourth grade classrooms for testing. I have attached a letter from the administration (again) NAEPNotification if you have questions. This is a paper and pencil test rather than the computer tests students are used to. Please help them to be at school on time and ready on Tuesday! 

2. SAGE Writing test will be on Wednesday and Friday from 1-2. Please make sure students are here and ready! I am confident that students will do a fabulous job! 

3. Homework and spelling schedule are back to normal this week! We are moving onto chapter 10 in math and will begin converting fractions to decimals and percents. The only math homework is math fluency three times this week, along with spelling and reading each night. 

4. Here are all the details for the February project. It is the Annual Fourth Grade Biography Wax Museum. Students will choose a person who influenced the world for good to study and become for one night. The assignment is the BIGGEST, at home project this year and has been broken up into sections. This will help students keep on track and finish on time. The details and information were given out in class, but just in case they don’t make it home, you can print them here as well. Biography Wax Museum 2015

Enjoy your week! Let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or complaints. 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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