I am so very impressed with your kids today! After school was a CRAZY situation and they handled themselves BEAUTIFULLY!!!  I love that they calmly stayed together, followed directions, and comforted each other! Because of their responsible behavior we were one of the first classes to exit the school! I LOVE that they were patient to wait for the answer to what was happening until we got to the church and I could verify details! 

THANK YOU parents for begin patient while we waited to know the exit procedure! I know that was a STRESSFUL situation and I appreciate that you were patient with me! I am grateful for your support! 

At 5:00 when the school was cleared for reentry and I could finally get my car keys and leave, we were told that there was absolutely no bomb on the premises and that school would resume as normal tomorrow. Unfortunately I am off tomorrow for an appointment that I can’t rescheduled. I am confident that students will show the substitute the same respect and AMZING behavior that they showed me today! 

Enjoy your evening and give your darling children an extra hug for me! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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