Notes for the week!

Best NEWS ever! With the wax museum this week and all the time and effort you have put in to get this project finished I have decided that the only homework due this week is reading each night! I feel that we have completed a huge amount of work and learning and we all deserve an entire week to get lots of rest, start feeling better, and enjoy time together rather than working on homework! I know the year is not over, but a small break, hopefully, will help us all come back energized for the next few weeks! 

Also, our March project is our Tournament of Books. Each partnership  has been assigned two books to create the Google form and graphs for. They have been hard a work already to complete this project. This means there is nothing for you to do at home! See…………I told you I was going to quit asking for things! 🙂

Onto notes for this week: 
1. Dr. Seuss Week is this week! Monday is wear RED for Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Also, read your favorite Dr. Seuss birthday. Tuesday, do something kind for someone else day! Wednesday, make a new friend and vote for your favorite door. Thursday, wear a fun hat to school today! Friday, wear your craziest socks today! 

2. On TUESDAY come to school in your wax museum costume. Meet in class for roll call and some instructions and then we will head to the gym for the wax museum. Please bring a school uniform to change into after the museum. The rest of the day will be normal. 

3. Thursday will be the parent’s night! Plan on having your student to the school by 5:15. The museum will run from 5:30-6:30. We ask that students stay for the entire time. 

That’s it! What a busy week! Enjoy it! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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