This Week’s Notes

Here we go! SAGE testing begins this week!!!! We have our SAGE Science test on Wednesday from 2-3, and Thursday from 10-11! We will also have our final DAZE test on Friday at 1:00! Please help your student do their best by having them here, well rested, and with a good breakfast (or lunch)! This testing is important and I am confident that my students will do well! They are an amazing bunch of kiddos and I am excited for them to have the opportunity to show what they know! 

We will be doing several review activities in the upcoming weeks, so attendance is important! We are going to keep learning right up until the end of the year so plan on coming ready to learn each day!! 

This week students will also be presenting their science lessons in the second grade classrooms as well! I am AMAZED by the work and effort they went to to create engaging, fun lessons for the second graders! The schedule is posted on the class calendar so everyone knows where to go and when! Please let me know if you have questions! 

We are having spelling this week and next! The following week will be our last benchmarking test in spelling and we will not have a word sort list that week! This means this will be the LAST two weeks to pass off the high frequency word list you are currently working on! Make sure you are practicing lots and ready for the test on Friday! 

Homework is normal for the week! Read every night, spelling every night, and two lessons on TenMarks for math! Please make sure your homework form is filled out each Thursday so that you receive full credit for homework! If you are missing any work it will be due by May 15th!!! That will be the last day I accept missing work for the term! 

I will be drawing names for field trip chaperones this week as soon as I get the rest of the permission slips back! If you have lost yours, here is the link to print a new one! Field Trip Letter ThanksgivingPoint2015 Please make sure they are returned as soon as possible so that I can pick the chaperones! 

PHEW……that was a long email! Enjoy your week, and please let me know if you have questions, complaints, or concerns! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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