About ME!!!

Hi, I have been working at Quest Academy since it’s opening in 2008. I began in the office as a part time secretary  where I fell in love with the students, faculty, and parents. From this position I caught the bug and decided to finish my education with a degree in  elementary education. I have worked as a aide in kindergarten, an  aide in the special education classrooms, and a kindergarten teacher. I am thrilled to be teaching fourth grade where I get to teach exciting new math concepts as well as share my love of HiStOrY!!!  I believe fully in the mission of Quest Academy and am thrilled to be teaching in such an amazing school.  I have been happily married to my best friend for 16 years  and have three beautiful children. I have  a son in eighth grade, a son in sixth grade and a daughter in third grade.  I was born and raised in a small town north of Garland, Utah where my family owns and operates a cattle ranch. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my husband and kids, visiting with my family, all types of crafts, travel, and reading.
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