Author Archives: becky.chidester

This Week…….

Here are the notes for the week! 1. Tuesday is the NAEP testing for fourth and eighth grade. Testing should begin about 9:00. Testing should take about 90 minutes. Students may be moved to one of the other fourth grade classrooms … Continue reading

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Thank YOU!!

Your kids were FABULOUS today! I am “Flabbergasted” with how handsome and beautiful they were! I hope that they loved the field trip as much as I did! They were the most respectful and amazing group of students ever and … Continue reading

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Field Trip Information!

Here we go again! I am so excited for this field trip! Here are all the important details so you know what the plan is! STUDENTS MUST COME IN BEST DRESS! Gentlemen should wear a dress shirt and tie! No JEANS!!! … Continue reading

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Don’t FORGET…..

Spelling tests are tomorrow! Make sure you are ready! -Mrs. Chidester

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I MESSED UP!!! (again) :)

Sorry-I forgot to talk about and pass pass out the homework in class so instead we will talk about it, and I will pass it out  tomorrow! I am SOOOO SORRY!!!! Enjoy a Monday with less homework! -Mrs. Chidester

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I promise this is the last one!

Please DO NOT send money for the dollar dress down day on Friday! We are requiring you to dress up, so there is no need to pay for that privilege! If you haven’t paid for the field trip, please do so … Continue reading

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Stuffed Animal Reward!

The kids have earned a reward! They voted and decided as their reward they could each bring a stuffed animal to school. So, tomorrow bring your favorite stuffed animal (of a reasonable size) to spend the day!Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester

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This week’s happenings!

Here we go, our last week before our SAGE writing end of level test! WE have lots to review this week to be ready for the test next week! Here is everything you need to know to make it through … Continue reading

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Notes for the Week!!!!

Hi, Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! Here is everything you ned to know for this week! 1. Your 5 generations were amazing! They have been graded and will be returned tomorrow! Make sure you are working on your essay! The … Continue reading

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HOMEWORK for this week!

Almost NO ONE turned in their homework form for this past week! I am sure it was because you are all were so excited to not have school today! I will give you one more chance! I will re-check the … Continue reading

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