Author Archives: becky.chidester

Field Trip Chaperones have been CHOSEN!

Sorry it took so long, I was waiting for the last two permission slips! The parents chosen to attend this field trip are: Kathy DeBartoloAmanda PhillipsMonika AndersonJulie ChampneysAndrea Ortgiesen and Natalie Adams! If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as … Continue reading

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Advice from the actual 30 year olds!

As you know we are writing a book to be published. The title of our book is “Into the Future.” Each student has written an essay about what they think their life will be like when they are thirty. We … Continue reading

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Don’t Forget to TURN IN……..

-ANY MISSING WORK-THE ORDER FORMS FOR THE CLASS BOOK (EVEN IF YOU ARE SAYING NO)-FOOD IN CLASS FORM -FIELD TRIP PERMISSION SLIP-MISSING HOMEWORKAlso, home work for this week is:3 days math fluencyRead 20 Minutes each dayComplete the math assignment on TENMARKS … Continue reading

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Notes for the WEEK!

Here is everything you need to know for the week! 1. We are working with a company called Student Treasures Publishing to create a PUBLISHED CLASS BOOK! Each student has been working on a writing project the will be hand … Continue reading

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Note from the Administration!

Please check below for this important note from the administration regarding the NAEP testing. Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester NAEPNotification

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The post emailed out early!

There is now a spot for you to sign your name! That’s what I get for not finishing fast enough! If you have already filled out the form please do it again to that I have your signature (electronically)! Thanks, … Continue reading

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Permission for TWO food activities!

Hey there, I would like to give the kiddos the opportunity to participate in two different food activities in class. According to the school policies we need permission from each parent in order for their child to consume food while in … Continue reading

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A Few More Notes……

It looks like the Field Trip form didn’t post correctly, so here is is again! Capital Theater Field Trip 2015Also, this is just a reminder that the end of the term is FAST APPROACHING! If you have any missing homework you … Continue reading

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Welcome BACK!!! !

Hello-Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and enjoyed the time with your families! I know I loved hanging out with mine! Here are the notes for the week, the January Project Assignment details. and a field trip permission … Continue reading

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Parents who volunteered to bring cookies!

I had a parent show up this morning with 90 cookies! HOLY COW!!! Please do not bring anymore cookies! We will have plenty!!! I truly appreciate you volunteering, but Brianna has done the math and that is three cookies per … Continue reading

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