Category Archives: Class News


The students earned  a “No Homework Night” as a reward for their behavior in class! They can skip all homework tonight (Wednesday)! I will still give them credit as if they completed homework each night this week! Enjoy your evening! -Mrs. … Continue reading

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This week’s happenings…….

Hey, Here we go! We are back to our usual homework schedule this week! Spelling words are posted under the Words Their Way tab, so look for them there. Here are a few notes for the week:1. Friday at 10:30 we … Continue reading

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Congratulations to: TYLER, PHILIP, and JACOBY!!! They have each solved over 1,ooo problems with 99% accuracy this week and met the GOAL!!!! They deserve an extra huge round of applause!! Way to go boys!!!PJ, AIDAN, CAMERON, and JAIME….You are SOOOOO close! … Continue reading

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When I challenged students to answer 1,00 math problems in one week I was worried about the response I would get, but HOLY WOW!!!!!   We have solved over 4,500 problems in only 2 days!!!! Way to go kids!!!!! Special … Continue reading

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Reminder for Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is short day and school will be dismissed at 1:00! We are going to fit in a visit to the fifth grade state’s fair, a spelling test, class store, and our Ancestor Awards, so it … Continue reading

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I knew I forgot something……

Our awards ceremony for the Ancestor Essay contest (that students wrote back in JANUARY), will be held on March 27th, at 11:30 in the Q.1 library! We will be recognizing each student who participated as well as the 6 winning … Continue reading

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Notes for the Week!

Hi, I can’t believe that we are down to the last term! This year is flying by! Here are a few short notes for the week! -Keep up the amazing work on TENMARKS! You guys solved over 7,000 math problems … Continue reading

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Bring Your Rocks to School Day!

We have been talking a lot about rocks this week, and EVERY Student wants to take time and share the stories of the many, many rocks they have at home. So instead of having each student share stories, we are … Continue reading

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One more note……

Book Orders are due by WEDNESDAY this week! You can order online using the code DVFLD. Happy Reading! -Mrs. Chidester

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Notes for this week!

Hi,      Welcome to another wonderful weekend in fourth grade! This is a short week because of the END OF THE TERM! You lucky students will not have school on Friday! Think of me sitting at the school, working … Continue reading

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