Category Archives: Class News


Our library time is different this week because we have a special guest presenter on THURSDAY! Library will be on FRIDAY! Make sure your books are here, and tell Mrs. Anderson, “THANKS!” She has gone above and beyond accommodating the … Continue reading

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A Few More Notes!

The form for the food in class that was not working last night……is NOW working! SORRY! I forgot to click the button the right way! Also, please send your student with a glass jar (like you use for canning) as … Continue reading

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Food Permission Slip!!

Please sign and return by THURSDAY!!!! I hope to do the activities on FRIDAY!!! Loading…

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This Week’s NOTES……..

PHEW……this week should be back to normal! I had so much fun visiting with all of you and watching your kids at the Wax Museum! I am so PROUD and IMPRESSED with your kiddos! Thank you for all your hard … Continue reading

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YIKES…..two more notes!

Sorry….I thought I remembered everything, but it turns out I forgot! 1. Wednesday is a FREE DRESS DOWN DAY for school pictures! YAY! FREE DRESS DOWN! 2. We are looking for donations of SMALL CHEAP water bottles for the Wax Museum parent … Continue reading

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Invitation to the WAX MUSEUM!

Feel free to forward this to friends, family, grandparents, or anyone else you want to show off your kid to! Thanks, and see you on THURSDAY NIGHT!!! Mrs. Chidester  

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Reading Calendars are DUE!!!

February Book IT calendars are due by tomorrow! Make sure they are signed by a parent to receive the pizza certificate! Also, the school play is this weekend! Make sure to get your tickets soon! 

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Notes for the week!

Best NEWS ever! With the wax museum this week and all the time and effort you have put in to get this project finished I have decided that the only homework due this week is reading each night! I feel … Continue reading

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Due Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the trifolds are due tomorrow! We have not practiced speeches in class yet because the majority of the class doesn’t have theirs…….try to have that here tomorrow as well so we can have some time in … Continue reading

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I am so very impressed with your kids today! After school was a CRAZY situation and they handled themselves BEAUTIFULLY!!!  I love that they calmly stayed together, followed directions, and comforted each other! Because of their responsible behavior we were … Continue reading

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