Category Archives: Uncategorized

One MORE permission slip…..

Hopefully this will be the LAST one! But, I think I said that last time… don’t hold it against me! We have decided to reward the kids for an AWESOME year with a PIZZA/MOVIE party on the same day as the … Continue reading

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Welcome Back!

Welcome BACK! I hope you all had a fabulous week off!!! We have a lot left to accomplish this year and only 8 weeks left! It is CRAZY how fast this year has gone! Here is everything you need to … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Boxes, Bags, Cups, or whatever……

Good NEWS!  We will be making them IN CLASS! See I told you I was going to quit asking for things! 🙂 We will make them on Friday here in class. If your child DESPERATELY wants to make the biggest, coolest, … Continue reading

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Grades are fully updated!

Everything I have in my hot little hand (except a few NO NAME papers….grrrrrrrrrr…….) has been graded and entered into Aspire! We had more missing work this week than we ever had! That is NOT GOOD! Please check your grades … Continue reading

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Soil Profiles

We have lots of supplies coming in each day! Thanks to all those who have donated supplies! If you are still planning on donating anything, please send it with your child before Thursday! We have lots of gummy stuff and … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Party that isn’t a party!

We did not have enough parents volunteer to plan the Valentine’s party, so instead we will be doing a super fun educational Valentine’s activity in class and saving the party for the end of the year! We will still be exchanging … Continue reading

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Sorry for the SHORT NOTICE! *Please respond today!

Studies have shown that allowing students to chew peppermint flavored gum during testing can help to improve their concentration. With that in mind, I would like to allows students to chew gum during our end of level SAGE testing. Please … Continue reading

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Anyone want to plan a Valentine’s Party…..

If you are interested in helping plan the class Valentine’s party please let me know as soon as possible! The party will be on Friday, February 13th, from 1:30-2:45. We can do a food activity if we get it approved … Continue reading

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Don’t FORGET…..

Spelling tests are tomorrow! Make sure you are ready! -Mrs. Chidester

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I MESSED UP!!! (again) :)

Sorry-I forgot to talk about and pass pass out the homework in class so instead we will talk about it, and I will pass it out  tomorrow! I am SOOOO SORRY!!!! Enjoy a Monday with less homework! -Mrs. Chidester

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