Category Archives: Uncategorized

Long Division The Shipman WAY! My way too…..

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Book Fair Information!

Book Fair HoursMonday 11/17-Thursday 11/20 Mon-Wed 8 am – 330 pmThurs 8 am – 630 pm (SEP night) Shop online Nov 12 – Dec 2 at our online fair! Orders ship free directly to the school.Elementary online fair high online … Continue reading

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Field Trip!

I am so EXCITED!!! After much pleading and begging on my part KSL Studios has agreed to give my class a special tour of their facilities! We will be traveling to Salt Lake City on December 2 (dress warm) via … Continue reading

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Notes from last night’s POQA meeting!

Here are the notes in case you missed the POQA meeting last night! *Remember to bring in all donations for the Let it Snow basket in as soon as possible! Voting will occur the week before Thanksgiving Break! *Sign Ups for the … Continue reading

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Passwords for TenMarks

Sorry, I had evening plans last night and was not able to respond to the numerous emails asking for passwords! If you need the password for tenmarks, here is the class list! I will also re-print the parent letters so … Continue reading

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Check out this FLYER!

If you would like to ask work, friends, family members to donate to our grade level basket here is a SUPER CUTE flyer made by Mrs. DeBartolo you can use! THANKS Mrs. DeBartolo!!! 4th Grade Basket-1

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November Project Due Date

Sorry…..the due date for the November project is incorrect! It is actually due Thursday, December 4th! However, we figured it out in class and if you do two pages per week for the next three weeks you can be done … Continue reading

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Let it SNOW!!!!!

The fourth grade has decided to do a Let it Snow basket for the POQA Basket Raffle! If you would be willing to donate items for the basket please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible. All items … Continue reading

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Book IT!

Book it reading calendars are due on Monday! If you need to re-print the calendar you can find it here…… order to receive the pizza certificate you will have had to have read at least 20 minutes each night Monday … Continue reading

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Pictures from our CODING Activity!

Here are the pictures from our learning to code activity! We are working on computational thinking in regards to writing code and programing. Students worked on activities both off and online! Check out the Code Academy website and see how … Continue reading

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