Category Archives: Uncategorized

Don’t FORGET to bring your pumpkin Tomorrow!

Our Trick or Reading Book Report Open House will be from 9-10:30! Hope to see you all there! Mrs. Chidester 

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Library Tomorrow!

Don’t forget to bring your library books tomorrow (Wednesday)! We have a different library schedule this week, but I promise we will be back to normal next week! ♥ Mrs. Chidester

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This week in fourth grade! (is CrAzY)!!!!

Here are the notes for this VERY Crazy week!*Don’t forget to do your math fluency at least twice this week!  Monday: Crazy Sock Day! West Haven’s Community Pumpkin Walk 6:30! Come in costume and see all the fabulously carved pumpkins! … Continue reading

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Trick or Reading Open House

Here is the invitation to our open house for the Trick or Reading projects!  We hope you can find time to stop by and see all the fabulous work! ♥ Mrs. Chidester

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Just a reminder that the posters need to be brought to school on Monday so that I have time to get them graded before the open house on Thursday! Thanks, and enjoy your weekend! Mrs. Chidester

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Positive Me Week!

Next week is Positive ME Week! We will be participating in several activities related to positive health, behavior, and self-esteem! Remember to show your school spirit by participating each day in the dress ups !!!!Monday: Crazy SocksTuesday: Wear REDWednesday: Wear … Continue reading

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Book Orders DUE Tomorrow!

If you are planning on ordering a book from this month’s Scholastic book order, the orders need to be placed by tomorrow (Friday)! I will be submitting the order at 3:00! Remember it is not mandatory to order!  Please use … Continue reading

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Please fill out this permission slip to allow your student to have treats during the class Halloween Party!

Ignore the ADMINISTRATION (is it weird that I enjoyed telling you to do that :)! Our classroom party will be on Thursday, October 30th! We will be doing fun Halloween Activities after the Halloween parade instead of a party on … Continue reading

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I hope you have a wonderful time this week while on Fall Break! I will see you on Monday when we jump right into LONG DIVISION! Enjoy, and be SAFE!!♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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Has invaded our classroom! I am the fifth person in the class to get it! PLEASE, if your child is running a fever, has a sore throat, or acts super sick, KEEP THEM HOME!!! I will happily help them make … Continue reading

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