Category Archives: Uncategorized

Multiplying with standard algorithm

Here is the first way to multiply two digits by two digits! Enjoy!!!

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Ten Marks Passwords

Sorry, I thought they were more familiar with these passwords then they are! Here is the password list for tenmarks! Enjoy!! Chidester’s_Class_2014-5

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This Week’s Notes

Just a few notes for this week! 1. We are hard at work on our Native American PowerPoints! We have time scheduled in the Thin Client lab most of this week. Ask your student about all the PowerPoint tricks they have … Continue reading

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Enjoy the video of our class making fossils!

Thanks to all the kids for being such fantastic photographers while I was happily buried up to my elbows in plaster of paris!

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A message from the Librarian!

As a privilege for the advanced 4th and 5th grade classes, we like to extend an opportunity to students to come and help in the library. What they would be doing is getting to know the library and how it … Continue reading

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Homework due TONIGHT!

Make sure your homework is submitted tonight! Also, be prepared for the chapter three math test on FRIDAY (tomorrow)!!!! We will be doing a special fossil making activity that tends to get a little messy tomorrow afternoon. Please have your child wear … Continue reading

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The post that was emailed out to you today was supposed to go out tomorrow!!!! It went out ahead of schedule and before it was complete. Students were not taught how to save to thin client today…..but they will be … Continue reading

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Don’t forget to SUBMIT your Homework Form TONIGHT!!!

Students, Don’t forget to submit the homework form tonight in order to receive full credit! Also, for those of you who have not turned it in already, the math worksheet is due tomorrow (FRIDAY) as well! Thanks and have a … Continue reading

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This week’s homework:

Homework for this week is as follows: Everyday: Read 20 minutes Twice this week: Math fluency using an APP, flashcards, MobyMAx, or another practice tool of your choice. Math: rounding practice worksheet  Rounding HomeworkPlease make sure you submit the homework form found on … Continue reading

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I promise not to post EVERYDAY……beginning next week! ;)

On Monday we will begin testing students to determine math and language arts small group placement. Next week will be crazy busy with testing, but I hope to have a ll groups assigned and start with actual curriculum the following … Continue reading

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