Long Division The Shipman WAY! My way too…..

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Book Fair Information!

Book Fair Hours
Monday 11/17-Thursday 11/20

Mon-Wed 8 am – 330 pm
Thurs 8 am – 630 pm (SEP night)

Shop online Nov 12 – Dec 2 at our online fair! Orders ship free directly to the school.
Elementary online fair
Jr. high online fair

**Grand Lunch**
Our Grand Lunch allows students to have lunch with a grand adult in their lives.
During the students’ regular lunch time they will sit at a separate table with their adult to eat lunch.
Remind students the deadline to sign up is TOMORROW Friday 11/7.
Monday 11/17 last name A-M
Tuesday 11/18 last name N-Z

**We will not have an book order in class this month. If you wish to purchase books and have them kept a secret, let me know! I am GREAT at hiding things until Christmas……….unless it is from my own kids 😉 
Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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Field Trip!

I am so EXCITED!!! After much pleading and begging on my part KSL Studios has agreed to give my class a special tour of their facilities! We will be traveling to Salt Lake City on December 2 (dress warm) via the Frontrunner and Trax to tour the studio. The plan is for the kiddos to see the work involved in producing a news cast. They will also be talking about the different jobs involved in producing the news each day. We will also be touring the Salt Lake City Public Library to see the different architectural features of the building. 

We will need to collect a $5.00 donation per child to pay for the FrontRunner Tickets. Please give the office your money as soon as possible! 

All the forms were sent home with the students today, but in case they didn’t make it, here they are again! 

KSL Studio Field Trip Form

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Notes from last night’s POQA meeting!

Here are the notes in case you missed the POQA meeting last night! 

*Remember to bring in all donations for the Let it Snow basket in as soon as possible! Voting will occur the week before Thanksgiving Break! 

*Sign Ups for the Grand Lunch have started! Make sure you get your spot soon! 

Mrs. Chidester
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Passwords for TenMarks

Sorry, I had evening plans last night and was not able to respond to the numerous emails asking for passwords! If you need the password for tenmarks, here is the class list! I will also re-print the parent letters so you can have their passwords in the future!  Again, I apologize for not returning your emails last night!!!

Chidester’s_Class_tenmarks passwords 

Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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Check out this FLYER!

If you would like to ask work, friends, family members to donate to our grade level basket here is a SUPER CUTE flyer made by Mrs. DeBartolo you can use! 

THANKS Mrs. DeBartolo!!! 

4th Grade Basket-1
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November Project Due Date

Sorry…..the due date for the November project is incorrect! It is actually due Thursday, December 4th! However, we figured it out in class and if you do two pages per week for the next three weeks you can be done BEFORE THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!! I will gladly accept the projects are they are completed so that you don’t even have to worry about it getting lost over the long vacation!  Wouldn’t that be WONDERFUL to have it completed and finished before the long break so you have nothing to do but spend time with your family! Just SAYIN’ 😉 

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Let it SNOW!!!!!

The fourth grade has decided to do a Let it Snow basket for the POQA Basket Raffle! If you would be willing to donate items for the basket please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible. All items will ned to be brought into the school by November 11th!! That way we have time to assemble the basket before the auction!

Here are some ideas of items you can donate for the basket:
Hot Chocolate
Snow toys
Gloves, hats, scarves
Snowman Making Materials
Coloring Books
Warm Bankets
Cookie Jars

Or any other ideas you may have!

If you would like to donate something specific off this list or an idea of your own, please email me and I will keep a list so we don’t duplicate anything. If you would like to participate but don’t think you will make it to a store, please feel free to send any amount of money with your child and we will be happy to do the shopping for you. They can turn it into the office in Q1!

Thank you so much for all your support! With a little help we can put together the best basket and win the money for our 4th graders!

Fourth Grade Teachers!
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Notes for this week!

We are finally back to normal this week!! Thanks to all those who planned and helped with the Halloween party! I think the kids had a great time and we were eventually able to get all the candy corn out of the carpet! 😉 

1. Homework for this week is as follows: 
Monday: Spelling sort and write 
                 Read 20 minutes (at least)! 
                 Math fluency on Xtra Math

Tuesday: Free choice spelling 
                 Read 20 minutes 
                 Division practice assignment on tenmarks.com

Wednesday: Word Find for spelling 
                        Read 20 minutes 
                        Xtra Math 

Thursday: Practice Spelling test 
                   Read 20 minutes 
Friday: Read 20 minutes 

2. November Project!!! Details on are the monthly project page and the rubric for grading was sent home with the kiddos today! They are creating a book about animal adaptations. The book should be TYPED, but if that is not an option, feel free to handwrite them in YOUR NICEST handwriting. 

3. Library is back to normal as well this week. So, plan on having your books turned in on Thursday! This would be a great time to check out a book on animal adaptations as well! 

4. We are looking for anyone who has connections to a Veteran’s home in the area! I would like for the kids to do a special writing project in conjunction with Veteran’s Day next week and need a place for them to send their writing projects once they are completed. If you know of a place, let me know! 

Let me know if you have concerns, complaints, criticisms, or questions!!!! Thanks for all you do for me and for your kids!!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Book IT!

Book it reading calendars are due on Monday! If you need to re-print the calendar you can find it here……http://www.bookitprogram.com/teachers/printables/SeasonalOctreadinglog.pdf

In order to receive the pizza certificate you will have had to have read at least 20 minutes each night Monday through Friday! That is a total of 460 minutes!! In order to get the extra prize, you will have had to have read at least 20 minutes EVERY night this month. That is 620 minutes!!!! 

If you didn’t earn the prize this month, there is always next! Keep reading and make sure your calendars are here on MONDAY!!! 
Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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