
We are having some technical difficulties with the server at the school. When is goes down we have no access to e-mail, blogs, and sometimes even the internet. FUN right! Thanks to our wonderful IT staff we will have limited access today. If you sent me an email and I didn’t respond, don’t hate me! It’s not my fault!! 

I know you could not submit the homework last night! I will not be checking the homework until tomorrow morning, so feel free to submit it anytime before Saturday morning! 

Sorry for the confusion, and the stress this caused you and your children! Next time you see Mrs. Mindrum or Mrs. Painter tell them THANKS for working so hard to get everything back up and running so quickly! 

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Holy CoW-it’s the end of the month and I missed it!

That means this FRIDAY is SHORT DAY!! School will be dismissed at 1:00.

This also means that class store will be held this FRIDAY at 11:15. If you are not busy and would love to come help kids spend money feel free to come in and help! I would love to have 3 parents run the store!

Short day also means that it is dress down day! You need to pay a dollar in order to dress down! They are doing the $10.00 buy out if you want to pay for ALL the dress down days for the entire year! Whatever works for you!

I filled my schedule for this month’s SEP conferences (replacing parent teacher conferences). If you would like to meet with me next month let me know. I will make appointments with EVERYONE throughout the year based on your child’s progress, specific problems we need to discuss, or just the fact that I LOVE your kid and want to BRAG FOR A MINUTE!! If you are totally confused refer to the email sent by the administration last week detailing the purpose of SEP conferences!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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Multiplying with standard algorithm

Here is the first way to multiply two digits by two digits! Enjoy!!!
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Ten Marks Passwords

Sorry, I thought they were more familiar with these passwords then they are! Here is the password list for tenmarks! Enjoy!! Chidester’s_Class_2014-5
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This Week’s Notes

Just a few notes for this week! 

1. We are hard at work on our Native American PowerPoints! We have time scheduled in the Thin Client lab most of this week. Ask your student about all the PowerPoint tricks they have been learning. By the end of this week they will be masters of PowerPoints, and masters of saving to the server! 

2. Homework is slightly different this week! Feel free to just do your spelling sorts each night, read 20 minutes each night, and complete the assignment on before Friday morning. It is only 10 questions and will take the place of math fluency for the week. You can still do math fluency, but it won’t be required! Make sure you score ABOVE 80% on the assignment! I know we did this in class, but the scores were very poor, so after our lesson on division key words in story problems I would like to see those scores improve! 

3. We are moving into multiplying two and three digit numbers in math. We will be spending A LOT more time on this chapter in order to learn 4 different ways to multiply multi-digit numbers! Look for videos posted to the blog if you need help remembering the steps! 

That’s it so far! Enjoy your week, and please let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or COMPLAINTS! I sure LOVE this group of kids and enjoy spending my days with them! 

♥Mrs. Chidester
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Enjoy the video of our class making fossils!

Thanks to all the kids for being such fantastic photographers while I was happily buried up to my elbows in plaster of paris!
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A message from the Librarian!

As a privilege for the advanced 4th and 5th grade classes, we like to extend an opportunity to students to come and help in the library. What they would be doing is getting to know the library and how it works, which includes helping to put books away, straightening shelves, hunt for misplaced books, and any other small projects I have available. Usually it’s two students at a time, in the morning 8:30-9:00 Monday-Friday.

If you would be interested in your child participating in this activity, fill out the enclosed permission slip and return it to ME by Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Two students will be selected to help each month on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings. They would miss math self start and math fluency practice on those days. 

Again, let me know if you are interested in your child being a library helper!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 

Library premission slip
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This week’s happenings!

Here you go! 

1. Remember to turn in all box tops, coke rewards, and Tyson Chicken labels by September 19th in order for them to count toward this term’s collection contest. If you have more than one child a Quest, just put all your kids grades on the bag so it counts for everyone.

2. Make sure you are checking grades and missing work on SIS  (also called aspire). Grades are updated weekly, usually over the weekend. Students are given a missing work letter each Monday. All missing work is due by Friday. Let me know if you have questions! 

3. Monday will be the last day to order books through scholastic book club. I will finalize the order Monday evening. You can order online using the code DVFLD, or give your order directly to me. Book orders will be available every two months. 

4. Make sure you are practicing those high frequency words each week. The words are assigned specifically for each student each Monday. I write them on the spelling cheat sheet completed in class during centers. Students will be tested on their words each Friday during their regular spelling test. 

5. Homework this week:  read 20 minutes each night, spelling each night, and math fluency practice at least twice. No extra homework this week because the research papers are due on Wednesday. Make sure as you are filling those out, you are writing complete paragraphs as needed. Paragraphs in fourth grade are at least 5 complete sentences. Bullets should also be complete sentences, with proper grammar and punctuation! 

That’s it! Enjoy your week!!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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Homework due TONIGHT!

Make sure your homework is submitted tonight! 

Also, be prepared for the chapter three math test on FRIDAY (tomorrow)!!!! 

We will be doing a special fossil making activity that tends to get a little messy tomorrow afternoon. Please have your child wear their oldest uniform so that we don’t ruin anything new. I have a few art shirts and will have them available as well. 

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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The post that was emailed out to you today was supposed to go out tomorrow!!!! It went out ahead of schedule and before it was complete. Students were not taught how to save to thin client today…..but they will be tomorrow!! Sorry for the confusion! It is updated and complete now so you can access the article for the opinion response, as well as the spelling lists. Again, sorry……… 

♥ Mrs. Chidester

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