Field Trip Information!

We drew names for the 5 lucky parents who get to attend the field trip for free this morning in class! They are: 

Jacoby’s Mom
Tyler’s Mom 
Phillip’s Mom 
Kaily’s Mom and 
Taylor’s Mom
*If any of you have changed your mind, let me know as soon as possible so I can pick another parent to go in your place! 

All other parents are MORE THAN WELCOME to attend, they will just need to pay their own $7.50 admission into the museum. You will bring the money the day of the field trip and pay at the museum. I will have ALL the frontrunner passes as long as you let me know in advance that you are for sure going! It is much better for me to go buy the group passes for parents beforehand, then for you to have to pay the $13.75 the morning of the field trip! So, let me know if you want to go as soon as possible! 

Thanks for all you do! Sorry that I can’t take everyone for free! 
-Mrs. Chidester 

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NJHS Books Drive!

Help support our Honor Students! Here is all the info! 

Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester 
NJHS Project
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We will be doing a special project during the Rendezvous and need 110 cans. We are looking for the medium sized tin cans like fruits and vegetable come in, (see picture below). They must be CLEAN, dry, and have the label removed!!! You can start sending them in any time and I will let you know when we have enough! 

Mrs. Chidester 

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This Week’s Notes

Here we go! SAGE testing begins this week!!!! We have our SAGE Science test on Wednesday from 2-3, and Thursday from 10-11! We will also have our final DAZE test on Friday at 1:00! Please help your student do their best by having them here, well rested, and with a good breakfast (or lunch)! This testing is important and I am confident that my students will do well! They are an amazing bunch of kiddos and I am excited for them to have the opportunity to show what they know! 

We will be doing several review activities in the upcoming weeks, so attendance is important! We are going to keep learning right up until the end of the year so plan on coming ready to learn each day!! 

This week students will also be presenting their science lessons in the second grade classrooms as well! I am AMAZED by the work and effort they went to to create engaging, fun lessons for the second graders! The schedule is posted on the class calendar so everyone knows where to go and when! Please let me know if you have questions! 

We are having spelling this week and next! The following week will be our last benchmarking test in spelling and we will not have a word sort list that week! This means this will be the LAST two weeks to pass off the high frequency word list you are currently working on! Make sure you are practicing lots and ready for the test on Friday! 

Homework is normal for the week! Read every night, spelling every night, and two lessons on TenMarks for math! Please make sure your homework form is filled out each Thursday so that you receive full credit for homework! If you are missing any work it will be due by May 15th!!! That will be the last day I accept missing work for the term! 

I will be drawing names for field trip chaperones this week as soon as I get the rest of the permission slips back! If you have lost yours, here is the link to print a new one! Field Trip Letter ThanksgivingPoint2015 Please make sure they are returned as soon as possible so that I can pick the chaperones! 

PHEW……that was a long email! Enjoy your week, and please let me know if you have questions, complaints, or concerns! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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Yikes….what a SHORT weekend!

Time is flying by! I am sorry that this wasn’t posted earlier, but here you go, notes for this week! 

1. We are doing well on our field trip money! I expect that we will be close to our needed total this week, so watch for a permission slip coming home on Thursday or Friday! If you have not done so, please send your money as soon as possible, or let me know that your child will not be attending! 

2. Homework is normal this week! Please complete a spelling sort each night, read 20 minutes each night, and complete two assignments on TenMarks this week. I have added assignments from every math standard, so practice the ones you are struggling with! Don’t forget to fill out the RENDEZVOUS permission slip as soon as possible! The form is in the last post! 

3. SEPs are Thursday night! I have: 
Cyris’s family at 3:30
Taylor’s Family at 3:45 
4:00 OPEN 
4:15 OPEN 
and Marlee’s family at 4:30! 

If you want to meet with me, let me know! I would LOVE to fill those two open spots! 

4. Friday is early out! School will be dismissed at 1:00! It is also DOLLAR dress down and class store! HAPPY DAY!! 

That’s it for now! Enjoy your week! 
-Mrs. Chidester 

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Permission Slip

Sorry for the multiple posts, but the form would not load correctly! Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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YAY! It is that time of year! Time for our final project of the year!!

On Friday, May 22nd, the fourth grade will be holding its annual Mountain Man Rendezvous. This activity will be part of our social studies curriculum and participation will be graded. Students will gain a better understanding of basic economics, as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. All students are required to participate and will need to be present on the day of the activity.

As part of this activity, the fourth graders will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples include: Native American Drums, flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and other crafts. Example of services include nail design and photo booths. No food items will be allowed. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 25 items to sell. NO real money will be used to purchase products; instead, students will be rewarded with “pelts” for behavior, assignments, and actions in class. Students will use their pelts to purchase the products made by other students.

            Products will be DUE: MONDAY, MAY 18th in class. This will assure that students are ready to sell on Friday, as well as give time for teachers to help students price their product and make a poster in class. If you have any concerns or questions, please, contact your child’s teacher. Thanks for your help and support. See you at the Rendezvous!!

Please sign the included permission slip in order for your child to participate in the Rendezvous activities! 

-Thanks, Mrs. Chidester

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We have collected $72.00 for the field trip so far! Way to go! Thanks to those parents who paid a little extra, it helps!!! If you KNOW your child will NOT be attending the field trip, please let me know as soon as possible! That way I can adjust the amount we need to collect! We still need $82, so please bring in your money as soon as possible! 

Thanks for your support! 
-Mrs. Chidester!
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Extra Paper

We have WAY lots of extra lined paper! So I sent a package home with each student today! Put it aside and you will have a start on your fifth grade supply list! Thanks for the donations, but we ended up not using everything! SORRY! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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I am SO excited! Here are all the details so you know what is going on tomorrow with the special assembly with Brandon Mull! The assembly will start at 1:30 in the Q.2 gym. Mr. Mull will talk to everyone for about half an hour, there will be a short Q & A segment, and then students will be able to purchase books and/or have him sign their books. We will also announce the winners of the “Candy Wars” competition at the assembly. Hastings will be here selling the three books in the Five Kingdoms series.  Students can bring money with them if they plan on purchasing any books. Hastings will accept cash, check, or credit card. The prices for the books they’ll have here are as follows:
Five Kingdoms: Sky Raiders = $7.99 (paperback)
Five Kingdoms: Rogue Knight = $17.99 (hardcover)
Five Kingdoms: Crystal Keepers = $17.99 (hardcover)
Students may also bring copies of his books from home to have him sign; however, in order to keep the line moving, each student may only have one book for him to sign. If there are any students who would like him to sign more books, let them know that he will also be signing books at the Hastings in Harrisville tomorrow night at 7 PM.

I love listening to this author talk and the excitement he brings to his audience! I am so excited for tomorrow! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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