The students earned  a “No Homework Night” as a reward for their behavior in class! They can skip all homework tonight (Wednesday)! I will still give them credit as if they completed homework each night this week! Enjoy your evening! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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This week’s happenings…….


Here we go! We are back to our usual homework schedule this week! Spelling words are posted under the Words Their Way tab, so look for them there. Here are a few notes for the week:

1. Friday at 10:30 we are lucky enough to be having the amazing Brandon Mull doing an assembly for all 4th-9th graders! I am so excited because he is one of my most favorite authors! The kids have been hard a word creating a super candy to enter in the school contest. I can’t wait to see who wins! We will also be writing some questions and letters to Mr. Mull this week in preparation for the assembly! 

2. Homework schedule: Spelling each night, math activities at least twice this week, and read 20 minutes each night! 

3. We have an upcoming Field TRIP! We will be going to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Natural History. We are not going until May 20th, but we need to make sure we have the money collected in advance. Please donate $6.00 as soon as possible so that we can collect the full $156.00 for our class to be able to attend this field trip. Unfortunately, if we do not have the full $156, we will be unable to attend the field trip. Mrs. Lalani will be keeping track of who paid, and if we are unable to go, all the money will be refunded appropriately! I will be sending home permission slips as soon as we have the required money with more details and a place for you volunteer to be a chaperone! 

Thanks, and have an amazing week! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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Congratulations to: TYLER, PHILIP, and JACOBY!!! They have each solved over 1,ooo problems with 99% accuracy this week and met the GOAL!!!! They deserve an extra huge round of applause!! 

Way to go boys!!!

PJ, AIDAN, CAMERON, and JAIME….You are SOOOOO close! Keep going! 

Enjoy your evening! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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When I challenged students to answer 1,00 math problems in one week I was worried about the response I would get, but HOLY WOW!!!!!   We have solved over 4,500 problems in only 2 days!!!! Way to go kids!!!!!

Special thanks to Jacoby and Phillip for solving over 500 problems individually! Also, a shout out to Chase and Taylor for having over solved over 300 questions with 100% accuracy! 

Keep up the hard work! I can’t wait to see if we meet this goal by SATURDAY!!! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Welcome Back!

Welcome BACK! I hope you all had a fabulous week off!!! We have a lot left to accomplish this year and only 8 weeks left! It is CRAZY how fast this year has gone! Here is everything you need to know for this week and a few notes for the upcoming weeks as well.

-The schedule for SAGE testing is posted on our classroom calendar. Please check the dates and try and make sure students are here and ready for testing at the appropriate times! Testing will begin the week of April 27th, and continue through May 15th.

-This is the last week of the TENMARKS Math Contest. I am challenging each student to answer 1,000 Jam Session Questions between now and Saturday! I will be giving time in class, as well as having this be the only homework this week! Let’s finish this contest in a BIG way!

-Homework: Tenmarks each night, and read 20 minutes! March reading calendars are due by Tuesday in order to receive the last Book It Pizza Reward. Please make sure they are signed by a parent! No spelling this week to ease all of us back in to school after a relaxing, wonderful week off!

-April Project! This is an in class project. Students will be developing a lesson from our science curriculum to teach to another group of students. Students chose their topics and groups before the break. Time will be provided in class, so enjoy the time at home with no project to complete! I think that is it for now!

See you on Monday, and ENJOY your week!
♥Mrs. Chidester 
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Reminder for Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is short day and school will be dismissed at 1:00! We are going to fit in a visit to the fifth grade state’s fair, a spelling test, class store, and our Ancestor Awards, so it will be a crazy, busy day! 

Next week there is NO SCHOOL for Spring Break! I hope you all have a fun and SAFE time! If you are traveling, bring back pictures to share with the class! 

-Mrs. Chidester 

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I knew I forgot something……

Our awards ceremony for the Ancestor Essay contest (that students wrote back in JANUARY), will be held on March 27th, at 11:30 in the Q.1 library! We will be recognizing each student who participated as well as the 6 winning essay from our school. Parents are welcome to attend. If your student is one of the 6 winning essays, I will notify you directly! Thanks for your patience while we waited for the other classes to finish up! I am excited to recognize that amazing writers in our school! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Notes for the Week!

Hi, I can’t believe that we are down to the last term! This year is flying by!

Here are a few short notes for the week!

-Keep up the amazing work on TENMARKS! You guys solved over 7,000 math problems correctly last week! The goal this week is to get more that 45 minutes working on assignments during the week! Only time spent on assignments will count towards the goal. Sorry, games and jam sessions don’t count! 

-Homework this week is normal. We will be having spelling this week, so study hard! Math homework is working on TenMarks. Please complete at least two assignments during the week.

-Remember Friday is short day and dollar dress down. School is out at 1:00, and then we are off for an ENTIRE WEEK! Enjoy the time with your family!

-Enjoy your week!
♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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Bring Your Rocks to School Day!

We have been talking a lot about rocks this week, and EVERY Student wants to take time and share the stories of the many, many rocks they have at home. So instead of having each student share stories, we are having the first ever “BRING YOUR ROCK TO SCHOOL DAY,” this week on THURSDAY! 

Students may bring a few rocks to school to show to the class. We will be doing some rock classification activities with the rocks. Please LABEL the rocks you really care about in order to GUARANTEE that they get back home! I will make sure rocks are taken care of and sent home at the end of the day! If you need to bring the rocks to class before school starts, I will be here! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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One more note……

Book Orders are due by WEDNESDAY this week! You can order online using the code DVFLD. Happy Reading! -Mrs. Chidester
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