Notes for this week!

     Welcome to another wonderful weekend in fourth grade! This is a short week because of the END OF THE TERM! You lucky students will not have school on Friday! Think of me sitting at the school, working hard, while you are off playing! 🙂

      Also, Tuesday will be a planned evacuation drill. The school will be working in conjunction with several police and sherif departments to hold this drill. The drill is planned to start around 9:00 in the morning and and may last for an hour or more. The drill will start with a lockdown, and then students will evacuate the building to the church down the street. PLEASE talk to your student about the drill and what will happen during the drill. Remind them that it is just a practice! I will have my cell phone with me during the drill, and a list of parent’s phone numbers.  If we have problems, or concerns during the drill, I may have your student contact you for reassurance. Remind them the importance of following directions, staying with the class, and as AWFUL as it is, holding hands with the person in front of and behind them. I like that the school is working with local law enforcement to have this drill so that some of the concerns are addressed and a concrete plan is in place for our school!

     Homework this week is a little different. Homework forms should still be submitted by Friday and will count on NEXT terms grade. Homework is: Spelling Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Test on Thursday. Math: two assignments on TENMARKS! ONE MUST BE ON:   Converting Intervals of Time,  Distance, Masses and Liquid Volumes or Money.

     Remember library on THURSDAY!

     We are ROCKING The TENMARKS contest! Congrats to the class for solving 7,584 problems correctly last week! You GUYS ROCK!!!!! I have set up several new assignments for this week so we can keep up the momentum! This week’s goal is for each student to solve over 100 questions correctly in the jam sessions!! So, GO, AMAZE ME!!!

Enjoy your week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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Our library time is different this week because we have a special guest presenter on THURSDAY! Library will be on FRIDAY! Make sure your books are here, and tell Mrs. Anderson, “THANKS!” She has gone above and beyond accommodating the fourth grade this month! 


-Mrs. Chidester
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A Few More Notes!

The form for the food in class that was not working last night……is NOW working! SORRY! I forgot to click the button the right way!

Also, please send your student with a glass jar (like you use for canning) as soon as possible! Please send your oldest jar that you don’t care about as you probably won’t want to use it again when we are done with it! I would like to make crystals with the students and I do not have enough jars! If you do not have one, don’t go out and buy one! If you have two old jars you are willing to send, please do so! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Food Permission Slip!!

Please sign and return by THURSDAY!!!! I hope to do the activities on FRIDAY!!!

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This Week’s NOTES……..

PHEW……this week should be back to normal! I had so much fun visiting with all of you and watching your kids at the Wax Museum! I am so PROUD and IMPRESSED with your kiddos! Thank you for all your hard work! So here we go, onto another FABULOUS week of LEARNING!!!

1. Homework is back to normal! Spelling each night Monday-Thursday! Instead of math fluency, we will be working on TenMarks! I have added some new assignments to help you compete in the contest this week! You DO NOT need to complete all the assignments, but you do need to complete at least 2 of them! They are ONLY 10 questions each……you can do it! Remember to read 20 minutes each night as well!

2. Remember, there is not a monthly project this month! Instead we will continue to work on our Tournament of Books! Keep voting and try to get others to vote as well! We had about 800 votes last time! I would love to see 1,000 this time! I can’t wait to see what book wins!

3. Because of Spring Break this month is kind of short! So, I am scheduling SEP conferences now! If you are interested in meeting with me to discuss your child’s progress, email me and let’s set up a time! I have meeting scheduled every 15 minutes from 3:45-5:15. Conferences will be held on March 26th.

4. The end of the term is quickly approaching. All missing work is due by FRIDAY!

Enjoy your week! -Mrs. Chidester
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YIKES…..two more notes!

Sorry….I thought I remembered everything, but it turns out I forgot! 

1. Wednesday is a FREE DRESS DOWN DAY for school pictures! YAY! FREE DRESS DOWN! 

2. We are looking for donations of SMALL CHEAP water bottles for the Wax Museum parent night! If you are able to donate some, please bring them the night of the wax museum. They will be given out (along with a special treat provided by POQA) that evening! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Invitation to the WAX MUSEUM!

Feel free to forward this to friends, family, grandparents, or anyone else you want to show off your kid to! Thanks, and see you on THURSDAY NIGHT!!! 

Mrs. Chidester  
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Reading Calendars are DUE!!!

February Book IT calendars are due by tomorrow! Make sure they are signed by a parent to receive the pizza certificate! 

Also, the school play is this weekend! Make sure to get your tickets soon! 

Seussical poster
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Notes for the week!

Best NEWS ever! With the wax museum this week and all the time and effort you have put in to get this project finished I have decided that the only homework due this week is reading each night! I feel that we have completed a huge amount of work and learning and we all deserve an entire week to get lots of rest, start feeling better, and enjoy time together rather than working on homework! I know the year is not over, but a small break, hopefully, will help us all come back energized for the next few weeks! 

Also, our March project is our Tournament of Books. Each partnership  has been assigned two books to create the Google form and graphs for. They have been hard a work already to complete this project. This means there is nothing for you to do at home! See…………I told you I was going to quit asking for things! 🙂

Onto notes for this week: 
1. Dr. Seuss Week is this week! Monday is wear RED for Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Also, read your favorite Dr. Seuss birthday. Tuesday, do something kind for someone else day! Wednesday, make a new friend and vote for your favorite door. Thursday, wear a fun hat to school today! Friday, wear your craziest socks today! 

2. On TUESDAY come to school in your wax museum costume. Meet in class for roll call and some instructions and then we will head to the gym for the wax museum. Please bring a school uniform to change into after the museum. The rest of the day will be normal. 

3. Thursday will be the parent’s night! Plan on having your student to the school by 5:15. The museum will run from 5:30-6:30. We ask that students stay for the entire time. 

That’s it! What a busy week! Enjoy it! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Due Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the trifolds are due tomorrow! We have not practiced speeches in class yet because the majority of the class doesn’t have theirs…….try to have that here tomorrow as well so we can have some time in class to practice before Tuesday!
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