No School Tomorrow!

Enjoy your President’s Day! See you on Tuesday! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Valentine’s Boxes, Bags, Cups, or whatever……

Good NEWS!  We will be making them IN CLASS! See I told you I was going to quit asking for things! 🙂 

We will make them on Friday here in class. If your child DESPERATELY wants to make the biggest, coolest, most amazing box EVER, they are welcome to do that! Just have them bring it on FRIDAY! 

-Mrs. Chidester 

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Grades are fully updated!

Everything I have in my hot little hand (except a few NO NAME papers….grrrrrrrrrr…….) has been graded and entered into Aspire! We had more missing work this week than we ever had! That is NOT GOOD! Please check your grades and make sure all missing assignments are submitted by Friday morning! 

It is silly to get a bad grade when you have done the work! JUST TURN IT IN!!! 

K- I am done ranting now! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Soil Profiles

We have lots of supplies coming in each day! Thanks to all those who have donated supplies! If you are still planning on donating anything, please send it with your child before Thursday! We have lots of gummy stuff and gum balls and probably don’t need more of either one! We need a couple more packages of Oreos and shortbread type cookies. 

I still need permission from 12 parents! Make sure you submit the form today! Here it is again so you don’t even have to look very hard!  😉  

Again, THANKS for you donations! I PROMISE Not to ask for money, food, or anything hard in March! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Homework is normal this week! Spelling each night and a math fluency activity at least twice. We are starting a new chapter in math on measuring using customary units. We have finished fractions and decimals! I am very impressed with the progress students made even when I added in some fifth and sixth grade topics! Way to go guys!!!! 

With so many kids missing school each day due to sickness we will be doing extra sanitizing each day! Please, if your child is running a fever, coughing violently, or seems sick, keep them home! I would rather help them make up what they miss rather than getting everyone else sick!  

Spelling words are posted, but will not be taught until tomorrow in class. That means NO HOMEWORK on Monday night! PLEASE practice your spelling words! I am seeing a HUGE drop in scores and know that it is from students not practicing each night! I make sure that a “Cheat Sheet” is sent home the night I teach the sorts, but if you are unsure of how to sort the words contact me ANYTIME for help! 

Friday will be our Valentine’s activity. If you have not done so, please fill out the food in class permission slip as soon as possible! I need to plan a different activity if most of the class can’t participate! I know I have the best PARENTS at Quest and never meant to imply that you are all not supper supportive! Please do not stress about the Valentine’s party!  I know it is hard to volunteer when there are MULTIPLE parties and activities going on at the same time! I PROMISE your kids will have fun on Valentine’s Day! Please let me know if you have questions or concerns! 

FRIEND-GRAMS are for sale in the Jr High building each morning this week! They are only 25 cents and will be delivered by the student council on Friday! What a fun way to surprise your kids and friends! 

Also, the school play is coming up! Here is a flyer to post for your friends and family! Tickets will be sold in both school foyers coming soon! Get your today! The QUEST DRAMA CLUB always does a FANTASTIC JOB!!! Seussical posterThanks, have a fabulous week! 
-Mrs. Chidester 

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Sick and tired…..

I have been sick and tired all weekend and will not be at school Monday. So, no homework Monday night and Tuesday will be the new Monday. Look for a better weekly news post and new spelling words posted Monday evening……..when I can actually think straight!! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Valentine’s Party that isn’t a party!

We did not have enough parents volunteer to plan the Valentine’s party, so instead we will be doing a super fun educational Valentine’s activity in class and saving the party for the end of the year! 

We will still be exchanging valentines that afternoon. It is NOT required, but if you ARE bringing valentines to exchange, you need to have one for everyone in the class. We have 26 kids in class. Please remember that according to the school’s policy we cannot have treats attached to the valentines.  I sent home a class today so that students can address their valentines if they chose to! 

We will be having a food activity on that day related to our science unit on rocks. Students will be making a SOIL PROFILE using edible dirt. Attached is a food in class permission slip along with a donation list. If you are able to donate materials, thanks! I know I have asked a lot the past few weeks, but I sincerely appreciate your continued help! 

Please let me know if you have questions, concerns, or complaints! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

Valentine’s List

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Sorry for the SHORT NOTICE! *Please respond today!

Studies have shown that allowing students to chew peppermint flavored gum during testing can help to improve their concentration. With that in mind, I would like to allows students to chew gum during our end of level SAGE testing. Please respond via the following form to allow your child permission. Again, only those students with a signed permission will be allowed to have the gum. 

And sorry for the short notice! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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BOOK IT Calendars are DUE Tomorrow!!

If you want the pizza certificate I have to have your calendar, SIGNED BY A PARENT, tomorrow!!! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Anyone want to plan a Valentine’s Party…..

If you are interested in helping plan the class Valentine’s party please let me know as soon as possible! The party will be on Friday, February 13th, from 1:30-2:45. We can do a food activity if we get it approved this week so I can get parent permission before the party. 

Let me know if you have a burning desire to plan this party! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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