This Week…….

Here are the notes for the week! 

1. Tuesday is the NAEP testing for fourth and eighth grade. Testing should begin about 9:00. Testing should take about 90 minutes. Students may be moved to one of the other fourth grade classrooms for testing. I have attached a letter from the administration (again) NAEPNotification if you have questions. This is a paper and pencil test rather than the computer tests students are used to. Please help them to be at school on time and ready on Tuesday! 

2. SAGE Writing test will be on Wednesday and Friday from 1-2. Please make sure students are here and ready! I am confident that students will do a fabulous job! 

3. Homework and spelling schedule are back to normal this week! We are moving onto chapter 10 in math and will begin converting fractions to decimals and percents. The only math homework is math fluency three times this week, along with spelling and reading each night. 

4. Here are all the details for the February project. It is the Annual Fourth Grade Biography Wax Museum. Students will choose a person who influenced the world for good to study and become for one night. The assignment is the BIGGEST, at home project this year and has been broken up into sections. This will help students keep on track and finish on time. The details and information were given out in class, but just in case they don’t make it home, you can print them here as well. Biography Wax Museum 2015

Enjoy your week! Let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or complaints. 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Thank YOU!!

Your kids were FABULOUS today! I am “Flabbergasted” with how handsome and beautiful they were! I hope that they loved the field trip as much as I did! They were the most respectful and amazing group of students ever and I am just so THRILLED with them! 

If you forgot to turn in your ancestor essay because we left so quickly, feel free to turn it in on Monday, or email it to me! I promise I will not deduct points this time! Also, I noticed several people did not submit their homework form this week! I will be checking tomorrow morning, so make sure to get it done! 

-Thanks, and have an AMAZING WEEKEND!! 

-Mrs. Chidester 

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Field Trip Information!

Here we go again! I am so excited for this field trip! Here are all the important details so you know what the plan is! 

STUDENTS MUST COME IN BEST DRESS! Gentlemen should wear a dress shirt and tie! No JEANS!!! Ladies should be in a dress or skirt! If you do not have best dress, feel free to wear a white uniform shirt and blue uniform pants! 

8:30 Board the busses in front of the school. Kids are welcome to come straight to class in the morning rather than going outside or to the gym. I will take attendance and we will leave. They do not need to take anything, other than a coat, with them on the bus. 

9:40: Arrive at the Capital Theater. The busses will drop us off right in front of the theater. 

10:00 The performance begins. 

11:15 Board busses in front of the theater for the trip back to school. 

12:15ish: Arrive at the school. Students will not have recess or PE, instead we will be having lunch and a short video in class. 

1:00 School dismissed! 

-That’s it! Easy Peasy! Thanks for supporting us as we go on yet another field trip! I am excited to see all my favorite kiddos dressed up and fancy for the field trip! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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Don’t FORGET…..

Spelling tests are tomorrow! Make sure you are ready! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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I MESSED UP!!! (again) :)


I forgot to talk about and pass pass out the homework in class so instead we will talk about it, and I will pass it out  tomorrow! I am SOOOO SORRY!!!! 

Enjoy a Monday with less homework! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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I promise this is the last one!

Please DO NOT send money for the dollar dress down day on Friday! We are requiring you to dress up, so there is no need to pay for that privilege! 

If you haven’t paid for the field trip, please do so as soon as possible! We are still quite a bit short of the cost needed to pay for the bus and need to make sure we can afford to go! 

Mrs. Chidester
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Stuffed Animal Reward!

The kids have earned a reward! They voted and decided as their reward they could each bring a stuffed animal to school. So, tomorrow bring your favorite stuffed animal (of a reasonable size) to spend the day!

-Mrs. Chidester
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This week’s happenings!

Here we go, our last week before our SAGE writing end of level test! WE have lots to review this week to be ready for the test next week! Here is everything you need to know to make it through this week! REMEMBER, if you have not done so, please PAY FOR THE FIELD TRIP as soon as possible! We are a little short and we don’t want to have to cancel! Kids have been asked to do some extra chores to help earn the money so PUT THEM TO WORK! 

1. Homework this week: 
             Monday: Spelling sort and write
                             Math Worksheet (given out in class, but can also be printed here Adding and Subtracting Fractions Homework -only print page 1) 
                             Read 20 minutes 

            Tuesday: Spelling free choice 
                             Read 20 minutes   
                             math fluency 

            Wednesday: Spelling PRACTICE TEST 
                              Read 20 minutes 
                              Ancestor Essay 

            Thursday: Read 20 minutes 
                              Ancestor Essay!!! It’s DUE TOMORROW!!!!!!!

            Friday: Read 20 minutes 

2. Ancestor Essay is due on FRIDAY!! Make sure it is at least one full page, grammar and spell checked, and printed or emailed to me by FRIDAY! 

3. Spelling Tests will be on THURSDAY this week! Make sure you are ready! PRACTICE those high frequency words!! Class store will also be on Thursday at 1:00. If you are available, I would love some extra help! 

4. Our FIELD TRIP is on FRIDAY! Make sure you are in the classroom, ready to go by 8:20!!! We will be boarding the busses right at 8:30 and you don’t want to miss out! Remember to come in BEST DRESS (or a white uniform shirt and blue pants)!!!!! We will be back about 12:15 so lunch will be class and then students will be dismissed at 1:00 for short day! 

5. We will be taking our end of year Sage Writing tests next week on Wednesday and Friday in conjunction with the NAEP testing. Please encourage your students to do their best on this test. I know it is early in the year, but the state will hand score the tests and the results will be ready for parents when students complete the rest of the ELA test in May. I feel like students have improved tremendously this year in writing and I am excited for them to SHOW what they can DO! If you have questions or concerns on the testing let me know! 

-Have a FABULOUS week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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Notes for the Week!!!!


Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! Here is everything you ned to know for this week! 

1. Your 5 generations were amazing! They have been graded and will be returned tomorrow! Make sure you are working on your essay! The expectation is at least one page, preferably typed. If you need time to type it at school, feel free to stay after for tutoring! The final essay will be due on January 30th! I would be happy to do any editing you need help with this week! 

2. Test scores are posted on Aspire (SIS) if you are curious how your child is progressing! The class average in math in 7.2 so I am pretty excited by the progress. The reading average is only 6.7 😉 so we will be working on comprehension and vocabulary in the coming weeks! GOOD WORK KIDDOS!!!!  I will be setting up SEP conferences this week, so if you would like to meet let me know so I can schedule you a time! 

3. The Department of Natural Resources is sponsoring a POSTER contest for fourth grade students! Students should complete a poster on the theme WATER: Wild and Wonderful! Posters are due by February 15th. No time will be provided in class, but students are encouraged to participate! For more info visit the site:

4. We will have TWO special presentations this week, both on WEDNESDAY!!! The first will be Staker Parsons presentation on rocks. The second will be a special Time for Kids LIVE webinar from Antarctica! We will be switching classrooms with Mrs. Shipman so that her class can enjoy the Staker Parsons presentation in the afternoon. So look for us in her room that afternoon. I am excited for the students to get to participate in both these presentations!!! 

5. Homework for this week: Tuesday: Spelling sort and write 
                                                                   Math Assignment on TenMarks 
                                                                   Read 20 minutes 

                                                 Wednesday: Spelling Free Choice
                                                                        Math Fluency Practice 
                                                                        Read 20 minutes 

                                                Thursday: Spelling Practice Test 
                                                                   Math Fluency 
                                                                   Read 20 minutes 
                                                                   Submit HOMEWORK FORM
                                              Friday: Read 20 Minutes 

That’s it for this week! As always, please let me know if you have questions, comments, concerns, or complaints!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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HOMEWORK for this week!

Almost NO ONE turned in their homework form for this past week!

I am sure it was because you are all were so excited to not have school today!

I will give you one more chance! I will re-check the homework at 1:00 when my meetings for the day are finished!

Please make sure you have completed the homework form AND the assignment on TenMarks before 1:00! I know this week was different, but homework was still required!

♥Mrs. Chidester 
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