Field Trip Chaperones have been CHOSEN!

Sorry it took so long, I was waiting for the last two permission slips! 

The parents chosen to attend this field trip are: 

Kathy DeBartolo
Amanda Phillips
Monika Anderson
Julie Champneys
Andrea Ortgiesen and 
Natalie Adams! 

If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can let an alternate parent know!

Parents attending as chaperones are encouraged to ride the bus with our group, and come in best dress! 

Thanks for all you support! I am truly sorry I can’t have all 13 parents who wanted to go come with us! If you have questions or concerns, please let me know! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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Advice from the actual 30 year olds!

As you know we are writing a book to be published. The title of our book is “Into the Future.” Each student has written an essay about what they think their life will be like when they are thirty. We have a couple of extra pages at the back of our book and rather than leaving them blank I thought it would be fun to ask for the parents to give advice to the students! If you have any pearls of wisdom to share, please send them to me as soon as possible! I will add them to our book and make sure to give you the credit! Please include your name as you would like it to be on the final copy! I think it will be fun to see your advice compared to what they envision for their futures! 

Their essays are FABULOUS! I cannot wait for you to see the final printed book! 

Mrs. Chidester
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Don’t Forget to TURN IN……..






Also, home work for this week is:

3 days math fluency
Read 20 Minutes each day
Complete the math assignment on TENMARKS by Thursday and 
Work on your 5 generation chart! It is DUE ON THURSDAY! 

♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Notes for the WEEK!

Here is everything you need to know for the week!

1. We are working with a company called Student Treasures Publishing to create a PUBLISHED CLASS BOOK! Each student has been working on a writing project the will be hand written and illustrated to include in the book. Students are able to order their own copy of the book, however that is NOT REQUIRED! We are doing this so that we can have a copy for our classroom library, as well as an extra copy for the school library. I am sending home all the information on MONDAY! In order to earn a free classroom copy I need EVERY STUDENT to return the order form signed by a parent. It doesn’t matter if you are going to order or not you just have to return the form showing that I have given you the opportunity to order. I ned all the forms back by TUESDAY!!! As an extra incentive for students to remember to return the form on Tuesday they will receive a small reward!!! Please let me know if you have questions! 

2. The term ends on Friday. All missing work in due by Wednesday. I will be giving out a missing work form in class on Monday. Make sure your homework form in submitted for last week! This week’s homework will go on next term’s grade.

3. Instead of spelling this week we will be doing all the end of term testing. All test scores will be available on SIS (Aspire) after Friday. Back to regular spelling after next week!

4. No school on FRIDAY for teacher work day……think of me working hard while you are off playing….! Also, no school on MONDAY for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Enjoy the four day weekend! Enjoy your week!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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Note from the Administration!

Please check below for this important note from the administration regarding the NAEP testing. Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester NAEPNotification
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The post emailed out early!

There is now a spot for you to sign your name! That’s what I get for not finishing fast enough! If you have already filled out the form please do it again to that I have your signature (electronically)! Thanks, and SORRY! -Mrs. Chidester
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Permission for TWO food activities!

Hey there, 

I would like to give the kiddos the opportunity to participate in two different food activities in class. According to the school policies we need permission from each parent in order for their child to consume food while in class. 

The first activity will be on Thursday, January 15th. Students will use SKITTLES to investigate fraction concepts learned in class in further detail. Each students will receive their own individual small bag of SKITTLEs to use during this lesson. 

The second activity is a special presentation put on by STAKER-PARSONS company that teaches more about mining, rocks formation, and basic Earth science. This presentation is part of our social studies and science curriculum. During the presentation students will have to “mine” chocolate chips from a cookie. The presentation will be held on January 21st! 

If you would like for your child to be able to participate in these activities please fill out the following Google Form as soon as possible. Students without permission will be given an alternate activity! 

Thanks, and let me know if you have questions or concerns! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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A Few More Notes……

It looks like the Field Trip form didn’t post correctly, so here is is again! Capital Theater Field Trip 2015

lso, this is just a reminder that the end of the term is FAST APPROACHING! If you have any missing homework you need to submit it is soon as possible! The last day to turn in missing work will be January 13th! 

Here is some additional information on the January Project  including some examples of winning essays! 

Ancestor Essay Example 1 Ancestor Essay Examples #2 SCAN0149 SCAN0150

Thanks, and enjoy your day! 
-Mrs. Chidester
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Welcome BACK!!! !

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and enjoyed the time with your families! I know I loved hanging out with mine! Here are the notes for the week, the January Project Assignment details. and a field trip permission slip! PHEW….nothing like starting off with a BANG! 

1. We will be attending a dance production arranged by the Utah Department of Education and the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company at the Capital Theater! This is a special opportunity for the fourth grade students to see a professional theater style production in the historic Capital Theater! The field trip will be held on January 30th. Busses will need to leave promptly at 8:30 in the morning and we will return to the school at 12:00. We are asking that all students come in their BEST DRESS for this field trip. This means a nice SHIRT and TIE for the gentlemen and a DRESS for the ladies. If your student is not able to wear their best dress, they may wear a white uniform shirt and blue dress pants instead. Here is the permission slip with more details (just in case it didn’t make it home on Monday)! I will chose the 4 parent chaperones from a hat on the 16th. In order to make it as fair as possible, if you attended the KSL field trip in December, you will not be chosen for this one. I would like to make sure everyone had the opportunity to attend a field trip this year! 

2. The January project is a special one that goes along with our Social Studies curriculum! This is a chance for students to make some connections with their own pioneer history while learning about the settlement and founding of Utah. Here are all the details (again, in case they don’t make it home on Monday). The assignment has TWO due dates! Please pay attention because this project will take longer than you think! Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest Assignment 2015

. Homework for this week is back to normal! Please complete a spelling sort each night, math fluency at least 3 times this week, and read 20 minutes each night! Spelling words are posted and ready! Don’t forget to submit your HOMEWORK form on THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!   

I think that is everything for now!!! Thanks, and SEE you MONDAY!! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Parents who volunteered to bring cookies!

I had a parent show up this morning with 90 cookies! HOLY COW!!! Please do not bring anymore cookies! We will have plenty!!! I truly appreciate you volunteering, but Brianna has done the math and that is three cookies per kid with 12 left over! I think that will be PLENTY of sugar for one day! 

-Mrs. Chidester
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